Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday, September 8th, 2008

Hi everyone,

reaching out to you in the midst of another heat wave. I think it hit 100 degrees again today. It’s nice to know that even though I missed most of summer in the hospital, I can count on good old So Cal to extend it out a few months for me. Evey and I are still walking Floyd every morning and it really is one of the best parts of my day. Being outside, smelling the fresh cut grass, spending quality time with Floyd and Evey, feeling the sun on my face and even in one case the rain on my head. You gotta love So Cal. I know I’m loving every day of it while I’m out of the hospital.

Things are all on track with regards to the transplant. I still have a hospital readmission date of October 17th with a transplant date of the 23rd. I have been assured that what happened with the first donor is highly irregular and should not be expected to happen again. For those of you who don’t know, the first donor had what his doctor called “medical complications” the forced us to move on to another donor. It’s tough not to expect something to go wrong given everything that has happened, but we are optimistic that all will go smoothly.

As far as my health goes, I have been doing relatively well. I say relatively because it was only 10 days ago that I finished the toughest, most brutal regimen of chemo to date. Since I walked out of the hospital on Friday afternoon the 26th, I have experienced some nausea and a little bit of joint pain due to some medication, but nothing has compared to what I am battling now…a side effect called mucositis. This is basically a condition that results in extremely painful mouth sores. I know, glamorous huh? I had dodged these for the first 4 months of my treatment knowing the entire time how lucky I had been. Well, my luck ran out and I got nailed by it last Thursday. Lucky for me, instead of having multiple small sores spread around the mouth, I had one big one located right at the base of the bottom of my tongue…sarcasm of course. I could not have been more unlucky. It is no exaggeration when I tell you that this has been the most painful experience I have ever had to deal with in my entire life. I never could have imagined how speaking, eating and drinking could be so painful. Pretty much any tongue movement put me in agony. To make the experience even better, the doctor had to take a biopsy of it on Monday. This meant scraping the top layer off the top of the sore with a hard plastic brush. I’d like to say my eyes were watering but I’m pretty sure I was crying. Just ask Evey, she was in the room laughing at me, just kidding. The good news is I finally feel like it is getting better. It is still there and very painful, but by the way it feels today, I can say it’s on it’s way out.

I touched on the Light the Night Walk on my last entry. Besides, I think most of you who read this blog either donated or participated in the walk. Again, I want to thank everyone who did either of those two things…and I want to especially thank Van Skoglund for taking the lead and handling pretty much the whole thing. He took care of the shirts, coordinated the food, dealt with the charity on one side and all of you on the other. It really could not have been the event it was without Van’s help and Evey and I owe him a huge debt of gratitude. Thank you so much. I also want to thank Natasha for celebrating her birthday with us on that day. If you were lucky enough to be there, you know how much fun it was and how much of a great time Team Chrome Dome had. I will commit to you that we get some pictures of the event on this site. Look for those one or two days from now. We had a huge pre-party, took pictures with Rod Carew, walked on the field of Angel Stadium while getting our mugs on the big screen and closed out the night with a birthday party for Natasha at the Yardhouse. It was quite a night that left a few soldiers badly wounded. It really turned out to be a day that life should be all about. It was a special time with family and friends, giving back to a great cause while having the time of our lives doing it. We couldn’t have scripted it better.

That should pretty much bring you up to speed with what’s going on. Evey and I again want to thank everyone for your unwavering support. This experience is still a roller coaster with ups, downs and loops all over the place, but we will be pulling up into that station soon enough. The transplant phase begins very soon and it can’t come a day too early. I can’t wait to take this on, succeed and be looking back at it in no time.
Take care and be well everyone…


Anonymous said...

Dolly Parton and Queen Elizabeth II went to the Pearly Gates on the
same day.They both met with an Angel to find out if they would be admitted to Heaven

The Angel said 'Unfortunately, there's only one space in Heaven today so I must decide which of one of you will be admitted'

The Angel asked Dolly if there was some particular reason why she should go to Heaven. Dolly took off her top and said, 'Look at these, they're the most perfect breasts God ever created and I'm sure it will please God to be able to see them every day, for eternity.'

The Angel thanked Dolly, and asked Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II the same question. The Queen walked over to a toilet, pulled the lever and flushed it without saying a word. The Angel immediately said, 'OK, your Majesty, you may go into Heaven.'

Dolly was outraged and asked, 'What was that all about? I showed you two of God's own perfect creations and you turned me down. She simply flushed a commode and she got admitted to Heaven! Would you explain that to me?

'Sorry, Dolly,' said the Angel, 'but even in Heaven, a royal flush beats a pair - no matter how big they are'

Anonymous said...

good to hear that you are enjoying your time that much.
I´m kind of jealous on your southern californian wheather, over here, most of the time it´s quite nasty over here.

Keep on going and big hugs to Evey,


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt!

It's the 2nd year of IM - US Outbound Services Group! The team you started October of 2006!
( Oct 9 , 2006 - launch date )
Hope to see you soon! Take care!

Michelle Negre

Unknown said...

Hey Kurt -

Thanks for the update! I'd been thinking about you and wondered how things were going. Glad the chemo didn't kill off the sarcasm cells.. gotta have a sense of humor about things.

Keep the big Thallmayer wheel rollin and you'll arrive at the final destination in no time! ..and we'll all be waiting for you.

Look forward to seeing you again.


Tom B.

Anonymous said...

The Light the Night Walk was the best B-day ever! Raising 15K with all our walkers - WOW! Thanks for keeping the party going at Yard House. I appreciate all those that bought me I needed them, but I have never had a BJ (courtesy of Van), Scooby snack and biggest round of soco-limes (wonderful Eric) all in one night....woooowieee! AND Many thanks to Van and Staci for the drinks and snacks at Angels Stadium. It was like a big charity tailgate party!

We are all looking forward to someone else's b-day next week - good times!

MyCelebPhoto said...

Hi Kurt,

Checking in to say hi.

Thanks for letting us know what is going on with you.

Take care, bud.

Gary & Jill

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,
I was wondering how things were going with you. Thanks for updating the site.It's good to hear you're enjoying yourself. Congrats on the success of the walk! I wish I could have been there.
Good luck through the next phases and please - no pics of tongue sores! (That's just gross man!)I'll keep my eye out for Team Chrome Dome pics though!
I'm still sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!
Take Care,


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,
I was wondering how things were going with you. Thanks for updating the site.It's good to hear you're enjoying yourself. Congrats on the success of the walk! I wish I could have been there.
Good luck through the next phases and please - no pics of tongue sores! (That's just gross man!)I'll keep my eye out for Team Chrome Dome pics though!
I'm still sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!
Take Care,


What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.