Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday, September 6th, 2008

Hi everyone and happy Saturday. I’m happy to report that I am writing this blog from the comfort of my own couch watching my own TV. I can’t even begin to tell you how good that feels. For those of you who don’t know, I was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday the 3rd and have loved every minute of my freedom. Sleeping in my own bed, not getting woken up every few hours for tests, eating non-hospital food, feeling the sunshine, walking my dog, I could go on for hours how much I missed the simple stuff…the stuff I didn’t even think twice about before I got hit with cancer. It’s amazing how badly you miss this stuff when it’s taken away. Well, the great news is that I have it back for a couple of weeks and I am going to embrace and enjoy every minute of it.

So as most of you know, the good news came in about 10 days ago that my white blood cell counts had taken a dramatic turn for the better pretty much overnight, and then continued to get better and better as the days went on. This is what led to my 2 week vacation from the hospital. Not only were my counts up, but they didn’t find any cancer cells in the blood they were pulling. All of this was excellent news. My bone marrow was coming to life and they were making clean cells.

Well, the news got a hundred times better yesterday. I received a phone call from my doctor who told me I am officially in REMISSION! That’s right, round 3 of the chemo treatment I was on did some serious ass whooping on the cancer in my bone marrow and cleaned it out. What this basically means is that I am going into the transplant phase under the best of circumstances. Had I not hit remission, my chances of success would have been much lower, so as you can imagine to get this news was just amazing. I think my doctor was more excited about than me which is always a good feeling.

As far as my condition goes, I feel great and my energy levels keep getting higher and higher. I’m walking Floyd everyday which is tougher than I thought, but I am starting to feel stronger. It’s great to be back behind the bbq and I am starting to enjoy food again. I guess you could say all is good in Kurt’s world.

Anyway, that is the news I have to share with you as of now. The great news just keeps coming and I can only expect that to continue. Thank you all once again for your support, prayers and thoughts, they seem to working so keep em coming. Talk to you soon.


Katie Bradford said...

That is awesome news!!! Evey keeps me posted on your progress. So happy to hear you're in remission! Enjoy your time at home. You continue to be in my prayers.
We all look forward to walking in your honor on September 20th.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt:
Wonderful news!! I'm very happy to hear it.
Van just called me, filled me in on the news and how well you're feeling. He tells me you're all getting ready for dinner this evening in Huntington Beach. Get out and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

YEA! It was so good to read your post! I'm VERY happy for you Kurt!! Enjoy being home spending time with friends and family.


Anonymous said...

Remission..... What an awesome word!

Glad to hear you are back home for a bit & enjoying the simple pleasures in life. Enjoy some football this weekend.

Anonymous said...

This is such wonderful news. I am sitting here with tears of joy right now. It must feel so good to be home. Marc & I look forward to seeing you and we will be talking to you soon!


Anonymous said...

YES!!! Now, this is the news that all your faithful readers have been waiting to hear! Enjoy your freedom and know we will all be thinking of you as you get ready to conquer the next part of the plan.

Anonymous said...

Kurt & Evey,

Words can't express how happy Leo and I are to hear that you are in remission. Round 3 was bad but it sure paid off.

Are you able to go to any Angels games this week? Might as well make the most of your freedom if you can.

Enjoy as much as you can. You have sure earned it.

Carole L.

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that you are enjoying you away time and that you are in remission. For the past few months we've all hoped and prayed for you to have wonderful news like this...keep it coming!!! Great to have you and Evey home.

Unknown said...

Kurtemos de la en el remissiones (& Evey):

If your vacation was going to be interrupted with a call from the doc- that's the call you want to get.

Thanks to Aretha for being a two way messenger.

Make the most of these weeks/ Enjoy!

PS- it ain't easy taking a German name and morphing it into spanish, Roman, Japanese etc., and frankly I had run out. Glad I can now switch themes.

Best as always,


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,

What wonderful news!!! I think about you and Evey every day and know your always in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your time at home with friends and family.


Anonymous said...

You're a stud, I knew you would beat this thing.
Enjoy the all the football today.
Kenny N.

christine426 said...

Congratulations, Kurt!!!

We are beyond ecstatic in hearing about remission!!

If anyone could beat this, you can. Keeping you in our prayers...

Chris & Christine

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt

This wonderful news is what we've all been praying for. You've been such and inspiration with your strength and courage in handling such a hard battle. We are so happy that you're home and enjoying.

We will contine to pray that you stay healty and for the plan to be completed.

Pat and I look forward to walking in your honor on Sept. 20th.

Mr. & Mrs. O

Anonymous said...

That is amazing news... God is so good.. the power of prayer is amazing! Keep on healing !

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurti,

back from Lake Garda and Oli Kahn`s farewell game in Allianz Arena this is the best news ever :) I´m so happy for you Kurti! I am really looking forward to see you and the family soon!

`later my friend,

Unknown said...

Hey Man... Great Stuff! Round three rules. Great to see you last week and Romo came through for me. Week one is almost in the books and it's very exciting to start off with a win. Look forward to seeing you this week, let me know what the plan is.

Have a great day Kurt.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

I am so entirely happy to hear you're in remission. I knew it was only a matter of time after all you have been through. Enjoy every minute of your time at home - no one deserves it more :)

Holly K.

Anonymous said...

Nice!! You rock my friend! Awesome news!! Back on your own couch just in time for football!!
Enjoy it all & take care buddy!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

many greetings from your friends of Obertraubling.
We wish a good time at home and hope you will get well.

The old Amann with his family!!!

MyCelebPhoto said...

Way to go, Kurt.

Awesome news!!!

Jill and Gary

Anonymous said...


I was so happy to ready your entry today. I'm so happy for you! Enjoy your time in the sun and I hope your energy, health and strength continue to flourish.


Anonymous said...

WOW, you just made my day, my week, ooooo heck my year!!!!! Keep getting better and know that you are always in our thoughts. Don't forget dinners on Pat and I as soon as you are ready.
Take Care.
Karan and Pat

Marisa Smith said...

Wooohooo! Awesome news Kurtl!
Love, Marisa and Josh

Anonymous said...


Fantastic news - so happy to hear that the tide has turned - always knew it would!
All the best and enjoy those simple things

Dave F

Anonymous said...

Could not have gotten better news when I opened the blog this am
Keep trucking dude it only gets better from here and I bet Floyd is happy to have you back

Jeff from the cold north

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,

I'm glad to hear the good news. Talk about a good week. I'm very happy to hear your health is returning and your enjoying it up at home. See you soon.


Dave Dubin said...


I'm so glad to hear all of that excellent news. Your strength through all of this is truly inspirational. Thanks for reminding me how wonderful the simple things in life can be.

Your Cowboys look primed for taking care of business.

I hope to see you soon.


KevinCourtney said...

Hey Kurtis,

Incredible news. It's amazing to watch your progress! Enjoy being at home and hanging with floyd. Sending you good thoughts from NYC. Also...I lost my phone so can you email me your number so I have it.


Anonymous said...


I am so happy to hear the simple word remission...what a powerful word!!! Congrats on your accomplished battle!

-Melanie McKowan

Anonymous said...

Yeah Kurt,

Great news man. Congrats...
We are so happy for you. Go out and enjoy life again. Hope to see ya soon.

The Serraos

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kurt! That is such great news. Amazing what prayers and a good outlook will do. Thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

I was having dinner at this little hole in the wall sushi place in CDM tonight. Angel game showing on the walks Reggie Jackson!! haha...of course, he was glued to the TV. I was tempted to send over a large Sapporo for his loss! Go Halos :)

Hope you're feeling better and stronger each day!

Kelly D.

Anonymous said...

i have been following these blogs since the beginning, and your latest comment brought a smile for sure from my face to hear about how great you are doing now. it was cool to meet you in the Philippines, hope you continue to do well and you are traveling again soon -


Unknown said...

Yay!! Now for the most important part...when is the party to celebrate!?!?!

Unknown said...

How great was it to watch Monday night football dude!!! In your own house, with your all your stuff and the smells of everything you know and love!! I am right there with ya, in a new appreciation on life. You forget how wonderful it feels to wake up in your own bed and what a HUGE blessing that is. When you spend a lot of time in the hospital like you and I have, you emerge with a greater sense and spirit for life. Good luck with everything Thallis!! You are going to be a huge inspiration for a lot of people!! Much love to you and Evey!

Sue Paine

What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.