Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

Good evening everyone, so we finally have some news for you. Unfortunately my big bro is a no go on bone marrow matching with me, but all is not lost. It turns out that I have an unusually high number of potential matches. For the last two weeks my doctors and their staff have been going into the unrelated donor database doing some pre-work, and that pre-word has already vetted out a short list of high probability matches. The doctors pretty much said verbatim that I have an abnormally high amount of matches in the database and the outlook is extremely good for a solid match. So Steve, I know how much you wanted that to happen as did I and everyone else, but we are going to be ok. So now it's all about working that list down to a short list of the best possible candidates, locating them and figuring out how it will work logistically. It will mean a short and inconvenient interruption on the donor’s immediate lives, but the hope is that they are ok with that given they are on the list. No timeline yet, but will be trying to nail one down soon.

I know many of you have been asking about how you can donate bone marrow. The answer is you can and it is very easy. We spoke with the nurses here today and they said they are in bad need of blood, platelets and bone marrow. I have been lucky enough to always have it on hand when I need a transfusion or even now with the bone marrow, but there other people out there not so lucky. You can make a difference by going down to your local Red Cross or blood bank and stepping up for all three. It will help someone in my situation…possibly even save their life.

As far as my current condition goes, I am feeling great, waiting for my blood level to recuperate back to normal. Once that happens, they will test my bone marrow and see if I have gone into remission. In other words, they won’t test me until my counts go up, unlike the first time, where they tested me after 7 days post chemo. That is why this time is may take up to 3 weeks to determine if I have gone into remission.

Bottom line is we are happy with the news over the past couple of days even though I wasn’t able to match with Steve. We are very optimistic about the donor situation and we’re in wait and see mode for round 2 results, but we feel good about them as well. Thanks again for reading and for your support.

P.S. I’d like to throw out a special thank you to team chrome dome…Steve, Scott, Alex, Van, Jeff and a commitment from Kevin. Should be quite a scene when we all get out somewhere together. Thanks guys, brings a tear to my eye.


Anonymous said...

Hello Kurt, I am your cousin Michael from South Africa and I bid you greetings. My Mom Jenny keeps in very close contact with your Mom and we are all following your progress with lots of prayers and good wishes. From what we have heard about you you are a strong and upbeat guy so we know that you're going to be in very good health soon. When your Mom was here in May she spoke a lot about you and Steve so we all feel as though we know our cousins in America and we hope that you will pay us a visit. I hear that you are keeping up with the Tri-Nations rugby series and I am with you there although we have not done as well as we did winning the world cup. It is very exciting all the same.

For a good laugh ask your Mom to tell you about the evening a large group of us spent at the harbour. She certainly knows how to have fun and had us in fits of laughter the whole evening. All of the waiters spent most of the time at our table because of her. We miss her very much and were proud to have her with us, not only because she is beautiful on the outside but because she is also beautiful in the inside. You and your brother Steve are so fortunate to have her.

Anyway Kurt, I trust that things will definitely get better for you and we all hope to meet you one day.

Look after yourself and lots of love and best wishes from all of us over here in South Africa.

Michael and my Wife Lucy

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt
I can't belive noar can Linda how positiveyou are stayng in all this even when the bad news come you can drag the best out. You are a realy optmistic person and I hope everything will go as well as you and all of us ofcourse expect.
About the posible matches for bone marow:Break a leg :)))))

Kate, Vranjci i Merikani

Anonymous said...

Just a note to say hi :)Sorry to hear your brother wasn't a bone marrow match. I, too, am hopeful about those potential matches in the database. I pray one of them will be exactly what you need. Keeping the positive energy flowing your way. Later, gator.

Holly K.

Anonymous said...

OK - team chrome dome must be photographed and posted to the blog - that is fantastic!! Can I join :) Sorry to hear about Steve, but looks like your odds are very high and a match will be found quickly!! What a character builder, eh? Glad to hear that you're feeling good in spite of everything (take that you little cancer bastards!! :) )

Keep it up - you are an inspiration!!

Love, Liz, Billy, Sean and Ryan

Anonymous said...

I am glad there are many matches out there! These are great suggestions for all.

I am already a regular red cross blood donor (I love cookies more than I hate needles) and earlier this year signed up for the National Marrow Donor Program which is a simple $50 kit that you swab cells from your mouth.

I'm sure all of us would give you our marrow in a second. This is amazing that you have such a big heart and spirit of giving to see a bigger picture of leukemia. I'm so inspired, but I won't be shaving my head...sorry.

Miss you guys and see you Sunday!!!

Anonymous said...

I came in to work this morning to several shocked and wide eyed faces! In the spirit of keeping things interesting oround here, my explination is short and sweet. I have joined a new club that requires all members to shave their heads. You can imagine what everyone thinks! I love it. I cant stop touching the stubble. I have a presentation this morning regarding the new Aries Rocket program. This is some of the stuff you helped me out with a week ago. Wish me luck!
As always, the blue glove game was great. Sorry I had to open a can of whoop-*** on you guys! It figures the only time I get cards like that is for "fun" and not cash! Have a great day brother!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt-

Team chrome dome - That rules! Nice work guys.

Great to hear that you have so many potential matches. Good news!

Keep up the good fight.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

So about Van's new look with the shaved head and that beard thing...do you think he looks tough or Amish? I can't decide which.

Miss you and hope to see you soon,


Anonymous said...

Good Day Kurt and Evey,

Thanks for the tip on donating blood. Sometimes we just need a nudge to get out there and help others. You Both Are An Inspiration!!

I too love the team Chrome Dome. However, I noticed my brother’s name is not on the list. Good thing he is leaving the country or I would have to come down there and make him part of the team. Just kidding Chris! ☺

Continue to be strong and amazing.--Betsy

Anonymous said...

Team Chrome Dome member since 07/22/08 checking in. I'm so proud of Mr. Burke for joining in on the reindeer games!

I'm not gonna lie... We look GOOD!!

Once again Jeff pulled off the hand of the night when he UNKNOWINGLY knocked Kurtis out of the game with his straight.

WOW Scott.. Just WOW! You had the luck of the Irish. Only you're not Irish so you figure it out.

Kurtis you are doing awesome. I'm sure the nurses love the spreadsheet. Do you monitor their vacations yet? Once a director, always a director. :)

(Sul, Team Chrome Dome is coming for you)

"Not if, when..."

Anonymous said...

A guy walks into a bar, sits down and hears a small voice say, You look nice today. A few minutes later he again hears a small voice, That's a nice shirt. The guy asks the bartender, Who is that? The bartender says, Those are the peanuts. They're complimentary!

Anonymous said...

Hello Kurt, We are all disappointed that Steve is not a match........but life just is not so simple is it? I'm a true believer that when God closes a door.........he opens a window - someone is out there that is the perfect match who would love an excuse to take a few days off from work. Your UC San Diego team will find them. I need you to get better soon. I keep getting these baseball tickets that I don't know what to do with because I can't call you and Evey at the last minute to take them off my hands! And I needed two guys as seat fillers for tomorrow night.......and ended up with all women!

Luv, Aunt Cherrie

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,
Keep that optimistic attitude buddy! It's amazing.
Please post a pic of 'Team Chrome Dome'!! Can you see the reflection of the cards in some of those domes if someone looks down??hhmmm?
Keep up the fight my friend & give my best to Evey too!

Unknown said...

Bald guys rule!! I hope my mom is a bone marrow match. That would be awesome buddy! Great to hear you're doing well. No way Sul has the sack to shave his head. I'll bet anyone $20 he doesn't do it. Have a good one my friend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt

Like everyone else we were disappointed that Steve wasn't your match. Remember, there are down hills and up hills. Now your on the up hill with these great doctors looking for your exact match.

We will all keep praying that God will let it happen. Mr. O is in the bank already and would love that oapportunity.

Mr. & Mrs. O

Anonymous said...

hi Kurt
about the blod donation I wish I could do something but my ironis so low I went to the hospital a couple of ties now cause of it. My sis also wanted to do it but it turned out iher iron is low too. Luckily my dad is a blod donor and he has given blod more than 50 times now - it's organized by the Red cros and he gets an "invitation" every time they are organizin blod donations in Pazin...

Keep up the good spirit and talk soon

Anonymous said...

Kurt Great News. I'm so glad you're feeling better too. I was wondereing if you could ask the Drs. there if there is a chemo or transplant of any kind that would cure acute restaurant owning crappitis John's Mom

Anonymous said...

Kurt Great News. I'm so glad you're feeling better too. I was wondereing if you could ask the Drs. there if there is a chemo or transplant of any kind that would cure acute restaurant owning crappitis John's Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm taking your $20 bet.
Team Chrome Dome is going to pin Sul down and make him do it if we need to.

Its on.

Anonymous said...

Good seeing you yesterday. The baldness does turns some heads. I think I got hit on by an older lady in starbucks after I Shaved it sunday. Sorry Staci. We will be pulling Sul into the team, and hopefully Mr. Harden as well. Cora you in? I am going to be on you for hunting you down with my clippers!

On a side note for eveyrone, My Dad posted a message about company matching donations earlier this week, and I wanted to let you all know that it can be done. I made a donation to the PCRF in Kurts name and my company matched my donation. It just takes a little extra effort to help make the difference.

Team Chrome Domes is all signed up with Light the Night and I will start the recruiting porcess shortly.

Take care brother, and go Halos!

Unknown said...


It's a bet. Eryn will NEVER and I mean NEVER let Sul shave his head. So I will get my $20 at Scott's on Sunday thank you.

Oh ya.. How are you doing Kurt? :)


Anonymous said...

Kurt I want you to know that I wanted to join team Chrome Dome however, Scott said I would make a better cheerleader--hey, cheerleaders are part of a team right?!?! So, consider me on the team--I will just have my hair pulled up in a pony tail with a cute bow or something :)
All my best!
P.S Rae is kinda in the middle, she will be the team mascot! :)

Anonymous said...

Do I get $20 if Harden does it too?
I'll donate my winnings to the PCRF!


Toni said...


Chrome Dome, I love it! I already told Mike his head looks better with some hair, but I would let him shave it off if he wanted to do it for you dude! Please post a team photo!! We are bummed that your bro isn't a match, but are on your never ending train of optimism and know there is going to be good news soon!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,
Not too big of a deal that Steve is not a match because as you mention, your medical team is confident they will find one. Im reading your blog often to keep up, and also because I cant get hold of your Mom, who was keeping me in the loop. Very elusive your Mom is...here one day, gone for several; phones not working and no response to emails. Out of town?

As I can see from all who are contributors to your blog, a lot of love and prayers surround you and as I said in my last comm., I know youll beat this with flying colors. Hang in there and lets have a beer at the German Club when youre out. Was there with your Mom and loved it. I wont have to shave my head...am losing it fast so will soon be a member of the club!
Good luck with the next marrow test, and youre in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

OH PLEASE get a picture of Team Chrome dome!! What an awesome gesture of friendship. Those guys rule!!

I'm so happy you have such a group of Matches to choose from! Someone is watching out for you Thally!

You are almost through the window....We are all with you!

Much love to you and Evey


What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.