Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

Sorry we didn’t post anything yesterday but there was nothing new to report on so we figured why waste your time. Today was a different story as we got a lot done. As I sit here waiting for them to come in and do a second spinal tap, I figured this is as good a time as any to get you all updated.

My brother Steve came down this morning so we took advantage of the fact that he was here to test for a bone marrow match. Everything went well and the test was done. We unfortunately will not know the results of that test for a couple of weeks, but it certainly feels good to have it done. Apparently there at 10 elements that need to match in order for them to call it a perfect match. Our fingers are crossed that it is in fact a perfect match, but if it turns out it’s not, we should have other options ready to go by then. While we wait for the results of Steve's test, they will already be looking for other perfect matches in their database of donors.

I also underwent my third bone marrow extraction today which was just as fun and exciting as the first two. My Mom got to witness this one so that was a nice thing to share with her…ha. This is the test that will tell us how effective the chemo was against the cancer cells during the first round of treatment. The results of this test could be back as soon as tomorrow or possibly Thursday. If things go very well and there is little to no cancer left in my marrow, they will let my body recover and wait for the transplant. If there is still more cancer than the doctors are comfortable with, they will put me through another round of chemo which will last probably 5 days. The good news is that I can expect the same side effects for all future chemo treatments as I experienced during the induction round, which was pretty much none.

As far as the spinal tap this evening goes, the purpose is so they can check and make sure there are no cancer cells in my spinal fluid, which is really an extension of the bone marrow test I went through today. It basically covers things from all angles. Results from this test should be back tomorrow or Thursday as well.

So as you can see, it has been a busy day which isn’t over yet, and not only for me but for my brother as well. I’m feeling good about the results, but anything could happen with the results. Bottom line is whatever we need to do we’ll do, and we’ll do it at 110%.

Thanks for reading everyone and results to follow soon. Take care!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

Super being with you today, despite watching them do the "extraction"! I don't know how you manage to actually not even wince, because it was agonizing just watching - you're so brave and with all that you've been through over the last few weeks, you're going to be able to face absolutely anything in the future! What a great Son I have and how proud of him I am!!

The facility you're in is unbelievable - almost like a 5* hotel! Within seconds of you "ringing the bell", a couple of nurses are in your ward to find out what you need, and your menu is like one from the Hyatt Regency. In fact, the hospital itself looks like the Hyatt Regency! I don't think you could be in a better place!

Am keeping my fingers crossed Sweetie, so please call me as soon as you get the results! I love you and will see you again in a few days.

Mom xxx

Anonymous said...

Great to hear good news
Please as soon as you get the results put it on the blog.
Good luck as with this as with Steve's marrow results..


Anonymous said...

Wow!! You are an ALL STAR!! I can remember many moons ago when you could barely handle the flu shot at Ingram......

You clearly have a lucky charm hanging around you!! I'm excited that Billy and Steve will be paying you a visit today - wish I could be there as well, but I sent along a little something in my absense!!

Hang in there - looking forward to more good news!!


Anonymous said...


Can't wait to hear the results of all the test, we are keeping our fingers crossed. The blog is great and we look forward to reading it everyday, but what we are looking looking forward to is another trip to Catalina, and Alex said that he will even let you sit next to Evey on the boat. We are thing about you every day and will see you soon.


Andrew, Jennifer, Olivia, and Alex

Anonymous said...

Good luck Kurt! We will be crossing our fingers and saying our prayers. We can't wait to log on and get the GOOD news soon!
Kelli , Doug and kids

Anonymous said...

Good morning Kurt - just a quick, silly joke for you. Carole L.

A little boy wanted $100 very badly and prayed for weeks, but nothing happened.

So he decided to write a letter to God asking for the money.

When the Post Office got a letter addressed to God, USA they thought it would be amusing to send it the to President.

The President was delighted with the letter and instructed his secretary to send the boy $5, which he thought a little boy would think was a great deal of money.

The little boy was excited when he received the money and wrote God a thank you note. It read:

Dear God,

Thank you for the money. Next time, please don't send it through Washington, D.C. those a**holes deducted $95 in taxes.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mate! It was great to see you the other day.

I thought Id let you know that the German Stefan Schumacher is winning the Tour de France. Channel 603.....


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,

Wishing you all the best!! You are one amazing person to have such strength & high spirits!! Evey I applaude you too girl! It's so great to know the care & support you both have & give.
I can't wait to check back and read more good news!!

Sending you positive thoughts every day!


Anonymous said...

Dear Kurt,

I love the 110%. I wouldn’t expect any less from your “team”. Just wanted you to know that John and I read your blog every day. You know that we are small town folks so blogging is quite new for us. We will continue to read daily and of course send you all of our positive energy and thoughts. Dogs are included in the mission. Thanks again for keeping everyone up to speed and I think you could turn this amazing blog into a book. :)

-Betsy and John Amis (aka Cave)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,
Sounds like a day of hell. I am sorry to say. I love the positive attitude. Keep your sprints up. My family wanted me to say hello as well.

Take Care! Glenn

Anonymous said...

"a day of hell"??? What are you talking about Glenny?
I'd love to watch Spinal Tap two times in one day.
One of my favorite parts is when the bass player gets stuck in the pod!

"We're very lucky in the band in that we have two visionaries - David and Nigel. They're like poets, like Shelley and Byron. They're two distinct types of visionaries; it's like fire and ice, basically. I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water."

msarv said...

Hey Kurt,

Thanks for the updates as we think of you guys often -- apparently even in our dreams based on Christine's story. I'm off to look for our capes, and look forward to our apparent trip to Greece. Ouzo anyone!!!

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hello Kurt,
I am your mom's hairdresser and get updates on your progress from her and from this blog....what a great idea this is. I just wanted to tell you that I am praying for you and from what Ive heard about you, you will beat this ugly thing.

Michael Murphy
P.S. Your mom is a beautiful woman and my favorite client and friend. The other hairdressers in my salon are envious that she belongs to me! Im sure you hear this kind of stuff alot.

Peter said...

Hey Kurt,

I recently heard about your news and had Van send me this blog. What a great idea to keep everyone informed on how you are doing. It's awesome to see how much support you have. I've always known you to be a very positive person and it is cetainly showing through now...no doubt you will beat this!!
I wish you all the best and will keep you in my thoughts.

Peter Graber

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt!

Man, you must be an animal - not feeling the effects of chemo. Its that kind of strength and butt kickin attitude thats going to whoop up on this. Good luck on the test results and way to be strong! take care bro


Toni said...

Sending lots of positive energy and prayers for A++ results tomorrow. You are so very very strong! Maybe a marathon in the cards for you after kicking this! It was really great seeing you & Ev. You are so blessed to have her there by your side!
Love to you both,
Toni & Mike

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt, I'm Melissa, a friend of Kim's....I just want you to know that I'm sending the good vibes down your way! Stay stoked, keep on smiling, and continue to kick ass toward a speedy recovery! Hopefully I will see you at the next Connelly rager!

What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.