Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

Hi everyone. Wow, what an Angel game for those of you who saw it. I’m starting to wonder if watching those is good for my health.

So I had a conversation today with the guy who runs the research department here for the entire Leukemia center. He actually signed off on my doctor's PHD so he know's his stuff for sure. Anyway, I asked him for a frank assessment of the results I got last night. He said it would just about be statistically impossible for me to get through all of this without having to go through two rounds of chemo. That certainly put my mind at ease a bit and should do the same for you.

Other news today was the results from the spinal tap. Results came back negative which means they showed no sign of cancer in my spinal fluid. They also ran tests to see if there was any cancer cells in my blood which also turned up negative. The doctors were very happy about those results which means we too were happy. It is a really good sign the chemo has been actively going after the cancer. It didn't quite hit the bone marrow as hard as we wanted, but it was good to hear today that that is the norm rather than the exception. With that said, there is still a chance round 2 won't even get the bone marrow cancer cells down to acceptable levels, only time and results will tell.

I'd like to throw out a special thank you to Kelly Dyer and Bill McGowen for donating to the Childrens Pediatric Cancer Society in my name. Any donation amount will do and I assure you it is going to a good cause. I certainly appreciate it, but more importantly, the kids it is helping appreciate it much more. For more information, please refer to the link on this site.

So the roller coaster ride continues and all we can do is go with it and hold on tight. Day 2 of chemo is going very well and I'm sure it will be over before I know it. That's it for tonight. Thanks for reading and hopefully we'll have more news for you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I am so pleased to hear about the spinal tap results. Your strength, support and prayers of those who love you are working. I wish you didn't have to do this other round of chemo, but what your doctor said was reassuring. Hang in there!


Sonia G said...

Those are great news. I know you are going to sleep better tonight. Love, Sonia

Anonymous said...

It must have be very reassuring to you to have had this Dr. look over everything and give you more information. It sounds like your at the best hospital and getting the best treatment out there. With these positive results coming back this is great news. We'll keep praying that round two will be a success.

Mr. & Mrs. O

Anonymous said...

Hey, Kurt!

I would have sent a note earlier, but Evey's working me too hard!

Certainly, our prayers and thoughts are with you -- and I've saved the "positive energy" that I would have used for running reports to, instead, throw them out west to you! (I know you have pull at both IM and Belkin, now, and can help smooth over the "no report" stuff for me.)

Take care, Kurt!


Anonymous said...

great to hear good news. let's just hope that other results will be as good as this.

Keep up the good work :)))


Anonymous said...

Two men from Texas were sitting at a bar, when a young lady nearby began to choke on a hamburger. She gasped and gagged, and one Texan turned to the other and said, "That little gal is havin' a bad time. I'm a gonna go over there and help."
He ran over to the young lady, held both sides of her head in his big, Texan hands, and asked, "Kin ya swaller?" Gasping, she shook her head no.
He asked, "Kin ya breathe?" Still gasping, she again shook her head no. With that, he yanked up her skirt, pulled down her panties and licked her on the butt. The young woman was so shocked that she coughed up the piece of hamburger and began to breathe on her own.
The Texan sat back down with his friend and said, "Ya know, it's sure amazin' how that hind-lick manoeuvre always works."

Anonymous said...

Great news brother! Keep up the good work man.
See you next week.

Anonymous said...

A neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says.
The bartender promptly serves up a beer.
"How much will that be?" asks the neutron.
"For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge"

Anonymous said...

A motorway walks into a pub one day. He goes up to the bar and orders himself a drink. He just sits down when in walks a strip of tarmac.

The motorway sees the tarmac and starts to panic so he jumps over the bar and ducks down so it won't see him. The barman looks down at him and says, "What's the matter with you? Why are you hiding? You've got six lanes and two hard shoulders. Why are you frightened of a piece of tarmac?

The motorway replies, "You don't know him like I do. He's a cyclepath."

Anonymous said...

That is great news. Keep it coming.


Anonymous said...

I'm smiling...great news on the spinal tap. Also Al had some great jokes today.

JFlorey said...

Thanks for creating the blog and kepping us posted!
Sounds like the positives are stacking up in your favor.
Thoughts and prayers from the other coast.


Anonymous said...

There was a farmer who had four daughters. One night, he heard a knock at the door and found a young man standing there. The young man said,
"My name is Freddy. I've come to pick up Betty. We're going out for spaghetti. I hope she's ready."

The farmer thought that this was cute, so he let them go out. Pretty soon there was another knock at the door and another young man was there. He said,
"My name is Vance. I've come for Nance. We're going to a dance. Is she ready by chance ?"

Again, the farmer thought this was cute and let them go. Soon, another knock on the door with yet another young man standing there. He said
"My name is Moe. I'm here to get Flo. We're going to a show. Is she ready to go?"

Again the farmer was amused and let them go. Once again, there was a knock on the door and a young man was standing there. He began,
"My name is Chuck." The farmer shot him.

Anonymous said...

Love the farmer joke!

We are sure missing you back here behind the dutch door. Looking forward to you joining us soon.

Excellent news on the spinal tap & blood work.

Carole L.

Anonymous said...

Ground Control to Major Kurt...
Final transmission before the weekend. Myself, Gabs, Page and Mother B are all running 10 miles with Team In Training tomorrow morning. (They raise money for leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma research and patient services...)
Wish us luck!
Our Marathon Training has taken on new meaning.

Party Like A Rockstar!
Well like a rockstar that's in rehab or something...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your hear that your new PHD friend (Steve) is a resource for you. Kurt, he is cut from the same cloth as you and me and I know it gives you, and all of us, a sense of relief. Cheers mate. I'll have a Guiness for you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Super seeing you last night Kurtel, even if I had to sit through 20 innings of baseball!! Boooorrrrriiiiinnnnngggggg!!!!!

Great news Sweetie, and you looked good. If we think about it though, if they only got rid of 30% of the cancer, we need to take away the word "only". 30% is a lot and I for one, am thankful for that. The other 70% will go too - that's for sure. Remember, the road to success is uphill, and you're doing a great job- keep it up!

Love you Sweetie, and see you on Sunday. Enjoy your evening and your day tomorrow.

Mom xxx

What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.