Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday, July 13th, 2008

Three words for tonight's message...Bald is Beautiful! Say hello to the latest member of the Kojak fan club.

That's it for the weekend everyone. Thanks again for all of your messages, we appreciate and enjoy reading every one of them, so please don't think they fall on blind eyes because they do not. Take care and good night...And good morning to our friends in Germany, Croatia and the Philippines. We'll see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Servus Kurtl,

es war wirklich sehr schoen gestern Abend deine Stimme zu hoeren. Birgit, Veroni, Daniel und ich waren vor unserem Anruf zugegebenermassen schon etwas nervoes, aber wie gesagt, es war wirklich gut mit dir zu sprechen. Das Gespraech hat uns sehr viel Mut und Freude gemacht. Wir wuerden so gerne bei dir vorbeischauen, dir auf die Schulter klopfen, dich druecken und vielleicht auch mal eine DVD von dir ausleihen. Aber mach dich schon mal bereit uns im November Mexiko zu zeigen ;) Ach ja, wir vier bereiten gerade ein kleines Geschenkpackerl fuer Evey und dich vor, freu dich schon mal darauf, du wirst ausflippen :) Mit den besten bayerischen Gruessen fuer unseren Bruder Kurtl!

Anonymous said...

glad to hear good news..
please write as soon as you get some more

write to you soon

Anonymous said...


You keep your hair pretty short normally, bald isn't much of a change.

Wonder if it will be different when it grows back in? Maybe dark, thick, & curly like Saif's? Or maybe straight & blonde, befitting a surfer?

Nice Angels game yesterday, just pulled it out of the fire in the 9th.

The OC fair started this weekend. Nothing like the smell of kettlecorn, livestock, turkey legs, and fried everything. There was one stand that deep fried twinkies, oreos, cheese ravioli, vegies of all sorts, span, and frogs legs. I hope they had separate fryers!

Have a good day my friend.

Carole L.

Unknown said...

Bald eh?

Well at least you've got the mellon for it! Some people (ahem) have dents or spots or worse-- just plain ole funny lookin heads... even w/ scars at least yours is pretty "normal" looking.

And besides, there is an old lore about bald men.. do you know it? Feel free to Google.

Looks like the Angel bats are beginning to come alive (their pitching needs the support) -that and they've retained their ability to come from behind late in games...uncanny. You've got to love that "never say die" spirit in them.

I heard an interesting fact about Juan Rivera yesterday: apparently of all (American League) active players with over 1,000 at bats- he has the highest batting average delta from pre- to post all star break. Considering his sub-par avg thus far this season, maybe that's not a hard thing.. but what it means is that the guy gets VERY HOT after the all star break. You may recall, before he broke his leg, he was putting up some good power numbers...Good- we need the protection.

That's all for now-

Tom B

Anonymous said...

There's a man with a bald head and a wooden leg who gets invited to a Halloween party. He doesn't know what costume to wear to hide his head and his leg, so he writes to a fancy dress company to explain the problem.

A few days later he receives a parcel with a note.

"Dear Sir, please find enclosed a pirate's outfit. The spotted hand-kerchief will cover your bald head and, with your wooden leg, you will be just right as a pirate."

The man thinks this is terrible because they have just emphasized his wooden leg and so he writes a letter of complaint. A week passes and he receives another parcel and a note, which says:

"Dear Sir, please find enclosed a monk's habit. The long robe will cover your wooden leg, and with your bald head, you will really look the part."

Now the man is really annoyed since they have gone from emphasizing his wooden leg to emphasizing his bald head and he writes the company another nasty letter of complaint. The next day he receives a small parcel and a note which reads:

"Dear Sir, please find enclosed a bottle of molasses. Pour the molasses over your bald head, stick your wooden leg up your butt and go as a caramel apple!"

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

Just wanted to let you know that I am doing my best to keep Van away from you...he has the sniffles and I know that it is absolutely killing him that he can't come see you. You may want to notify security there just in case.

Anyway, I know that you have never met my mom but everytime we go out we have a drink (or two, or three) in your honor and toast to your health. She wanted me to let you know that she needs you to get all better soon so that she doesn't end up in rehab. :)

I hope to see you and Evey soon!



Anonymous said...


Where are the bald pics?

Kupper wants to photoshop a sucker. :-)

Anonymous said...

That was Jerry above by the way.... Always forget to sign...

Anonymous said...

Jeff & Julie's wedding was beautiful but you were missed!
All the hard work made it a spectacular day. I have never seen two happier people!
Hope you are having a good day and you are always in every ones prayers and hearts, Kurt.

(Jeff H. Mother)

Unknown said...

Hardens wedding was a phenomenal time. Let me start with that. but watching Tommy S strip down to his pants and throw his under shirt across the dance floor..Hitting Jeff square in the face was priceless. We had one ziggy zoggy for you buddy!!

See you later in the week!


Anonymous said...


Looking forward to seeing the new lex thallmayer!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt:
Don't know if you remember me all that well, since it's been quite a while since we last saw each other. But, Van and I talk all the time and, recently, all the calls include an update on your condition. He values your friendship very much and I can hear the intensity and sincerity in his voice when he tells me how you're doing.
My best personal wishes and I hope to see you happy and healthy when we meet again.
Wood (Van's Dad)

Anonymous said...

You are always in my thoughts and today is no acception.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Bald is Beautiful
and so are YOU!

Kinda cheesy but all I got after a weekend of nothin but partying!! Goodtimes and can't wait for you both to join us again, very sooooon!
Rae and Kim

Tobias Solleder said...

Hy Kurti,
best wishes from the Solleder-Family.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,

The air is off in the SD&E area, has been since last night. It is starting to get steamy in here. Pretty soon we will all riot and go work at the beach.

If you were here you would be leading the revolt.

Carole L.

Anonymous said...

We have been following your website ever since Sonia told us the news, and we pray for your recovery everyday.
love, donna and mel hisaka

Anonymous said...

Two little kids are in a hospital, lying on stretchers next to each other outside the operating room---the first surgeries of the day.

The first kid leans over and asks, "What are you in here for?"

The second kid says, "I'm in here to get my tonsils out and I'm a little nervous."

The first kid says, "You've got nothing to worry about. I had that done when I was four. They put you to sleep, and when you wake up they give you lots of Jell-O and Ice Cream. It's a breeze."

The second kid then asks, "What are you here for?"

The first kid says, "A circumcision."

"Whoa!" the second kid replies. "Good luck buddy. I had that done when I was born. Couldn't walk for a year."

Mike Estey said...

Just in case you missed it Kurt... Viva San Fermin!!!

A pack of steers and fighting bulls injured five people on their last run through the streets of Pamplona Monday in a relatively safe end to the weeklong San Fermin festival.

No one was gored but injuries included a fractured collar bone and hand and groin injuries, said Dr. Ignacio Yurs, director of Navarra Hospital.

The six fighting bulls and six steers stayed together for much of the last of their eight runs through the cobblestone streets, which made it safer.

Some of the bulls fell and piles of fallen humans formed at several stages, but the run was largely smooth.

One man was knocked down as he ran next to the pack about halfway through the half-mile (850 meter) course and only narrowly missed getting trampled in the head by a brown-and-white steer.

Seven people were hurt in Sunday's run, including three with chest injuries and one with multiple injuries. A man from Scotland suffered a skull injury. None were gored.

The runs to the bullring from stables just outside the city's northern medieval walls take place at 8 a.m. daily and are the highlight of festivities made famous by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises."

About a half-dozen people running with the bulls have been gored so far, none seriously. A 26-year-old Colombian gored Saturday was recovering well after surgery.

Keep up the fight bro!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident, strong bald man - there’s your diamond in the rough.


Lisa T.

What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.