Thursday, May 6, 2010

Round 2 - Day - %&&*!!

Hi Everyone
Well, I finally got my appetite back (thanks to a wonderful drug called megestrol aka megace) which has been great. I am also able to eat outside food and drinks. I have had a couple of trips to McDonalds and Coco's thanks to my great friends. The food here at the hospital sucks so this is the only way I will get through it.
I got moved back to the 3rd floor yesterday (Weds) which puts me right back to where I started. Just waiting for the pneumonia and lung infection to continue to get weaker at which point everything else falls into place; I will need another bone marrow biopsy to see if I am still in remission then hopefully will get to go home for a short time, then come back for chemo and radiation and then my transplant.
As we move through these steps, we will keep you posted.
Love you all and thank you again for the support. Please keep it coming. Every single thought and prayer goes a long way. Take care, talk soon...


Anonymous said...

A few prayers answered and a few more to go. You just focus on making your body stronger and leave all the prayers and positive energy to all of us out hear that beleive in you, and we will get through this together.Sending you everything we've got, (love, energy, prayers, thoughts,).Take care of each other.
Donna and Cousin John

Anonymous said...

Great to hear Kurt! We'll keep you in our thoughts. When I get rid of this damn cold, I'll be down. Keep up the fight brother and thanks for keeping everyone updated. Take care of yourself man. Tom & Jao

Mr. and Mrs. O said...


We're so glad to hear this good news. You really gave us a scare there for awhile. But. with your strong will and hundreds of prayers we're so happy your having McDonald's.

We will continue to pray that your lungs heal and that you can move forward to your transplant.

Always thinking of you.

Mr. and Mrs O

Unknown said...

Servus Kurtl,

... Juhuuuuuu ...

suuuuuper Neuigkeiten. Mei san mir erleichtert.
Mia denga weiterhin ganz ganz ganz fest an di.
Klein Phini schickt dir und Evey a ganz a dicks Bussi.
Hau eini.
Bis bald.

This time you will need your dad to get this translated ... :)
Have a good day and get stronger ... maybe we can send you an dickn Schweinebraten mit zwoa grosse Knedln - zumindest in Gedanken.
Birgit and Anderl

Kate said...

glad to hear the good news.
keep it up=)

take care

Love Kate

Anonymous said...

WOW - amazing!!! what progress! keep charging my friend!


Anonymous said...

Soooo happy to hear the good news, Kurt! I'm smiling as I'm typing this :) All our prayers are working and slowly but surely, you will reap the rewards of being patient and positive. You can and will beat this once and for all.
We love you, Kurt -

Anonymous said...

Love you right back Kurt...

Take care you two....


Anonymous said...


Great news! I bet the golden arches never tasted so good! Keep up the fight and stay strong. We'll keep throwing positive thoughts, energy and prayers your way!!!


Suzanne and Jay

Anonymous said...

From: Cindy, et al

You have all the Skoglund prayers and strength coming at you! We love you! Continue to mend and be peaceful in the knowledge that all of us are thinking of you and Evey.

Anonymous said...

Yay, McDonalds! Small victories, you're on your way. Lynne

Kelli Keel said...

YEAH! I am so glad you and Evey are back with your favorite nurses on the 3rd floor.. that must mean that you are continuing to make excellent progess. We continue to say our prayers that you will be home soon. In the meantime, I'll be bringing by some "IRONMAN" sandwiches for you this week!

Anonymous said...

Keep it up Kurt!! Keep moving forward!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are sending tons of positive energy your way to fight this thing once and for all. We have the Relay for Life coming up in 2 weeks and will be walking in your honor.

Take Care,
Michelle Sablan

Toni said...

Hi Kurt! Great to hear the good news from you dude! You and Evey have been doing such a great job keeping us all up to date with your progress. We will keep up our end of the bargain with lots of prayers for your recovery. We miss you!
Love, Toni & Mike :)

Anonymous said...


Great to hear you're making progress. McDonalds must taste like a 5 star meal after that much time eating hospital chow!

Best wishes and positive thoughts - Joe M.

What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.