Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day + 182

So I guess all good things must come to an end, especially when you’re dealing with cancer. Yes, things were going very well and everything was looking up. Counts were good, I felt like I was getting stronger and my doctors were peeling back my immuno-suppressive meds which are all very good signs. Well it’s like they say, for every two steps forward you’re probably going to have to take one step back. What the hell am I talking about you ask? Well, that pesky little sun irritation on my skin reared it’s ugly head and turned into a major problem over the course of one week. It has taken the shape of full blown rejection which needs to be aggressively taken care of now. That means my immuno-suppression drugs go back up to original levels, in addition to adding another one that I’ve never been on before. It also means that I have to start taking a crazy ass steroid pill. As a result of the steroid, I have to go back onto another drug I was completely taken off of over two months ago. So the end result is that I am on more medication now than I was when I first exited the hospital, with a page long list of side effects that go along with them. Side effects that destroy my immune system, totally mess with my moods, play with my blood sugar levels and last but not least, make it impossible to get a good night’s sleep without adding more medication, which I have yet to do. And if that’s not enough, it is throwing my blood counts all out whack so I can’t even get a good reading of what’s going on there. So as you can see, life is good.

Now I know I’m going to get through this and that all of this stuff is just another step I have to take on the road to a full recovery from this disease, but I’ll tell you, this is a massive step backwards and is a tough pill to swallow…no pun intended. It’s a strong punch in the stomach to have to take something like this. The good news is I’ll finally get rid of this skin irritation which literally spread all over my body. The bad news is all the stuff written above that has to go along with that. The bottom line is this degree of rejection cannot be messed around with so what has to be done will be done.

Once again, thank you guys for every ounce of support you have thrown and continue to throw my way. There are times where I unbelievably feel like I’m alone through all of this. And I say unbelievably because with everything I get from Evey, my family, my friends, etc., alone is the furthest thing I should be feeling. I don’t know what’s happening with me mentally, but it seems as though the further along I get through this, the more vulnerable I feel, and that is totally counterintuitive when you think that the further along I get through this, the closer I am getting to recovery. It’s all just getting more and more weird in my world which is sometimes cool, but other times…not so much. Who am I kidding, I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy. Even still with all of that said, I’m out of the hospital at home with my fiancé, my family, my friends and my dog. Those are the only things necessary that should keep a man smiling…so I’m still smiling. My weight is where it should be, I can walk my dog every day and I can eat just about anything I want (though that is changing). It's been 182 days since that Swedish angel on my shoulder generously donated his stem cells and all is going relatively well. Life really isn’t all that bad, I just need to get through this, and I will.

That’s about it for now. Take care of yourselves and we’ll check in again soon with hopefully solid progress to report on. Not hopefully, definitely! Later on guys.


Kirk said...

Kurt, stay strong! You are truly inspirational for the rest of us.

Daniel said...

Hey Kurt,
i´m sorry that you are challenged again and have to go through this but I´m sure you´ll punch back and that you´ll also take this hurdle on your way to full recovery.
Stay strong and take care,


Anonymous said...

With the NFL draft and training camp just around the corner look at this as your "hell" week.
We're all sending lots of positive energy your way to re"charge" (pun intended)you and everyday we get to spend time with our loved ones is a true miracle in itself.
"Bolt On!"

Unknown said...

Yo Cracker--

You've made it this far. Keep your head in the game and swing up to meet my daughter. She will give you so much hope you'll be floating! We are and will continue to be there for you until you whip this shit! One thing to look forward to is the Cowboys playing in that shiny new stadium and I'm looking forward to watch them loose every game there :)

Talk to you soon,

Tommy said...

as Jack Bauer says "DAMMIT"...
F&%* cancer!! Hopefully you don't get to yolked out on the roids..
You don't always drink beer, but when you do. It's Erdinger!! Stay positive my friend.

Lisa Aggazzotti said...

Hi Kurt,

I am sorry to hear about your step back, but just another one you WILL get through and have 2 more steps forward again! Hang in there! I hope to see you soon. Let me know if you want any more of those protien bars! Love ya, Lisa Aggazzotti

al said...

A wise man probably said something about a situation like this that would be really inspirational and helpful.

All I got is WE LOVE YOU!

Keep your chin up brother.

Anonymous said...

F, sorry to hear about the current road bumps Kurt. Stay tough man, you have overcome worse than this. Must be a huge pain in the ass but you will be through this soon as well.
On seperate note, I have some football news for you. I met a guy this week who bought 12 season tickets for the new TX stadium between the 35 and the 47 in the "club hall of fame level." The lower yellow C on the map. I really need to stay on his good side...Well at least for the next two years. Take care, J and I are thinking about you. Chris

Anonymous said...

Kurt, my friend is doing the 100-mile cycle event around Lake Tahoe on The Leukemia & Lymphona Society's Team in Training on June 7, 2009. My donation is in your name. Hang in there!!
Ashley Inman

Toni Cap said...

Hey Kurt,
As I read this I think to myself, Flip! That Kurt is incredible! Everytime another challenge hits him he continues to turn his thoughts around and stay positive. You continue to remind yourself that this may be a bad time but look at all the love and support and the good things that surround you. You are amazing! I hope this tough time passes quickly. Stay strong my friend!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear it Kurt..Keep you head up, stay strong and know that there is alot of love coming your way from your family and friends.


Anonymous said...

Hi Babe still praying Do not give up. Life is series of great ups and really crappy lows, you're just getting yours all at once.You re one of the most amazing people I've ever met. I know there are still lots of things for you to conquer. You are loved and thought of often John's Mom

Anonymous said...

My friend,

I feel your pain and frustration. Vent... we are all listening and with you all the way man.

I wish for you that this ends soon.


Anonymous said...

I suppoae the universe serves up the toughest challenges in life to the stongest!! That's you my friend! and the reason you are going to come out on the other end of this nonsense, is because you do not take one minute of any of this for granted. You will prevail - without a question.

Hang in there - I can feel that frustration, man and I don't envy for a minute what you are going through - but i also know that you are well equipped to get through it!! Hang in there!!

Much love, Liz and Billy

Kelly D. said...

Hey Kurt, it is incredible the strength that you have throughout all of this and like you's just another bump in the road to gaining a full recovery. Keeping your positive attitude is so key!! However long it takes to get there, you will beat this..I know it :) Thinking of you always,

Kelly D.

Birgit and Andy said...


Arschbacken zusammenkneifen und durch! Du packst das genauso, wie du auch alles andere weggesteckt hast.

Die besten Gruesse aus Bayern,
Birgit und Andy

Anonymous said...

Soon enough this will all be over and we'll be sitting around watching the Redskins kick the Cowboys ass!
Stay Strong! You Rock!
xoxo J.Cave

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,
Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and sorry that you have to go through, yet, another hurdle. I have a feeling there is another Swede looking out for you. Hang in there!
Love you,

Mr & Mrs O said...

Hi Kurt

So sorry to read about everything you've been going through these last few weeks. You are such an inspiration to us all. Keep that positive attitude and the faith that this low spot will be over soon. We continue to think and pray for you daily.

Mr & Mrs. O

jcropley said...

Hey buddy, another road block in the recovery, but you've pulled through before and you'll do it again!! Keep up the fight brother and know you have all of us behind you all the time everyday.

Anonymous said...

Kurt, I found this quote from Martin Luther King Jnr.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy". I think this is so appropriate for you and speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. I'm so proud of you Kurt, and I'm loving reading all the messages from everyone who knows and loves you. You are never alone - so many people are with you in this season of your life, and we're routing for you all the way.

Try not to let these "down" days get to you - they'll be gone soon. I know what you mean about two steps forward and one back, but one of these days you'll look back at this time and it'll be a distant memory.

Thinking of you always -


Kelli keel said...

Hi Kurt-
I haven't been on in awhile and was so shocked after reading the past blogs how quickly things changed for you. But, I know that things can just as quickly turn back around. I pray that it will for you very very soon. Until then, we know you are in good hands and we will be sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way.
p.s. the way you described feeling after golfing, kind of reminded me of how Kevin felt the first time he attempted snowboarding! lol!
Take care,

Mom said...


Super time we all had at the wedding, including you, so you're bouncing back nicely! The rash on your face will be gone soon, IF YOU STAY OUT OF THE SUN, so just sit back, relax and be a couch potato for a week or two! So many positive things are going on in your life right now, and the negative stuff will slowly but surely, be leaving you! You and Evey have lots to plan for, plus you have an absolutely beautiful new niece/Godchild, plus another great wedding in a couple of months, and last but not least, MOTHER'S DAY, a week from Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just had to put that in!!

Love you so much Kurtel!

All my love,

Mom xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hang in there buddy. Sorry to hear about the step back, but when you whip this thing for good you're going to have a story to tell! Take care man and keep up the good fight.

Tom r.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt & Evey, Hang in there & keep St Peregrine in your daily thoughts. I have been praying to him daily for you too. Remember think positive & kick this cancer my friend.....Take Care Love you both Cindy Sawicki

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,

I've been "off-line" for a while, and this was definitely NOT the news I was hoping to see when I logged back in! Keep up the fight, know we are thinking of you, and as always let Christine and I know if there is anything we can do for you guys.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your setback. We know you will pull through this in no time. Its okay to feel alone in a room full of people, nobody really understands what you are going through but you. So take the time you need to process it all.Those of us who love and care for you will be sending possitve energy while waiting for you to recharge your strength, and lead us to the end of your incredible recovery.Stay strong!!!!!Tell Evey "hi"
from Donna and Cousin John

Toni said...

K dog, just thinking of you and Ev. Sorry to hear there has been a set back, but you have beat the odds and we believe you will continue to do so. We're on team Thallmayer!! Keep up the fight!!! Hope to hear positive news soon!!

Cheers mate,
Toni & Mike

Kate said...

long time-no write...
sorry things are crazy here.
sorry to hear the bad news but U got this far so giving up on a smiled face is not an option...
And the bright side is that things can only get better( I guess)
HAng in there;
we're thinking about you


What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.