Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day + 50 Eve

Happy day + 50 Eve everyone. Man, just about at the 50 day mark. That is pretty sweet I must say. I just read through some of the postings on the blog and I must say they still continue to make me smile. I am a pretty lucky guy to have all of you in my corner, and I know there are even more of you that don’t write. It’s funny, I can’t tell you how many times I run into people I don’t even know who read the blog on a regular basis. It’s a trip. My thanks go out to you as well. You guys are all awesome and I appreciate every word you say and write so please keep it up.

I have some pretty cool stuff to share with all of you tonight. At my hospital appointment on Monday, my doctor came to me with a letter from my donor. I seriously had it in my hand for 5 minutes before I finally started to read it. I don’t know why either. I guess I was a little afraid, unsure, nervous… about what I was about to read. Instead of picking out the highlights, I’ll just share the whole letter verbatim with you:

Sweden Oct 21st, 2008


I’m a 44 years old man from Sweden. I’ve been a donor for bone marrow for about 15 years, but I haven’t donored before. When I was tested this time and was told it matched you, I didn’t hesitate a second to do the donor.

I’m sure you’ll do fine and wish you the best of luck during the process. If it’s ok with you, it would be nice to hear from you in the future.

We could exchange email addresses or so through our hospitals.

Good luck from Sweden.

I’m not embarrassed to say I cried when I read this, and still continue to well up every time I read it or even talk about it. This is the most powerful, impactful, moving letter that has ever been written to me and I wish I could put into words what it means to me, but I can’t. Everything would be understating by a mile how it has affected me. All I can say is I truly feel as though I have an angel on my shoulder, and that angel lives in Sweden. What am I going to write back to him? I have no idea. I mean where the heck do I start? Thanks for the new life. Thanks for the sacrifice. I really have no idea, but he will be getting a letter ASAP. And the kicker to the whole experience…the date he wrote the letter, Oct 21st, is my birthday, and there is no way he knew that due to donor privacy laws. If that isn’t amazing I don’t know what is.

As far as the results of the latest bone marrow test go, I’m still waiting for the results that show how much of my immune system belongs to me and my donor. Now they are saying I should have those results back by the end of next week. Either way, I’ll report back to you as soon as I have them. All blood counts continue to be exactly where they should be. WBC is at 4.9, HCT is at 31.8 with Platelets coming in at 147,000. With all of that said, I did have an absolutely horrible night on Monday night. Probably the worst night I’ve had in months and rivals some of the worst I’ve had during my chemo battles. Luckily it was very short lived and I was back at it about 24 hours later. It was a very painful reminder that this fight is far from over and I still have a long way to go. Regardless, I made it through Wednesday and I’ll make it through whatever else is thrown at me.

Take care guys and thanks for reading. We’ll catch up again soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,

So sorry we could not make the trip down there today. I was really bummed, and hope we get another chance soon! I could only imagine what it felt like to get that letter -- and what a great thing to know your donor has interest in corresponding with you as well. What a great B-day/Xmas present from your new Swedish heritage! Anyways, just wanted to let you know how sorry I was to have missed seeing you guys today and hope to see you soon. And since I am watching the game right now, I have to throw in a GO DUCKS!


Anonymous said...

Wow Kurt... I can't even imagine what it must feel like to have received that letter... So simple yet so profound all at the same time. How cool is it that some random guy in Sweden that you've never met shares such a special bond with you. I'm totally in awe... God bless him.

Shannon :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an amazing experience and powerful letter. You were sent this angel for a reason and it is clear he is watching over you - what an amazinf man. It makes me want to write him a letter too! Hope to see you and Evey soon. Take care.
Cathleen (& baby Mathes)

Anonymous said...

Blown away my friend,
The ladies at work want to know why I'm tearing up. I told them I'm a little bitch and proud of it!Also I'm a still drunk from last night trying to fill in for Evey with the girls. Big shoes to fill but I'm walking taller today.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt

Nice.. I am really happy for you. I hope you'll keep it up.

Love to you and Evey


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt

Nice.. I am really happy for you. I hope you'll keep it up.

Love to you and Evey


Anonymous said...

I'm crying and then I'm laughing...all good stuff. This is a really touching letter from your Swedish donor. I don't think I realized your donor was from overseas, very cool. Us girls are sorry for damaging Tommy with too much wine last night. I think he had fun trying to fill Evey's shoes. Can’t wait to see you guys in a few weeks if not sooner. Miss you both!!! -tash

Anonymous said...

Goosebumps from this posting. Definitely not a coincidence to have received a letter written on the same day of your birth. Keep counting each and every one of your blessings Kurt. They will keep you grounded and focused on your fight. Our thoughts and prayers of support continue to be with you and Evey.
-Dwana & Ian

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! What a marvelous blessing! I'm very happy for you and to know you are still going so strong!
I always enjoy reading your blog and keeping up on your progress. It makes me feel not so far away. Keep it up my friend! Happy Holidays to you & Evey. -Sorry, I won't be able to get any Christmas cookies to you this year!! If we make it down there I'll let you know!

T Cap

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt

I'm sure this posting is going to bring alot of tears to many as it did to me. This wonderful gentleman is truly a blessing to you and how wonderful that he wants to get to know you.

It was great seeing you Saturday night and hearing how well your doing. Sorry we missed Evey

We continue to pray that your counts keep going up and that you
keep getting stronger. Look forward to your next posting.

Mr & Mrs O

Marisa Smith said...

Hey Kurtl -
Remember you have three other angels watching over you: Oma, Opa and my Dad. That's a damn good team of angels if you ask me. Stay strong, love you immensely and cannot wait to spend Christmas with you.
- Your cuz, Marisa

Anonymous said...

that's some good stuff right there, my friend!!

Take it easy - i know you've got to be more than ready to burst out of that bubble - just a few more months!!! to new life long friends - you never know where you will find them!! :)


Anonymous said...


That letter from your donor is awesome!

Take care

Keane said...

Hey KT
Many blessings to you and your Angel!!!

Zuzu Bailey: Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.
George Bailey: That's right, that's right.
George Bailey: Attaboy, Clarence.

The happiest of holidays.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Kurt,
I'm glad you recognize that there are people who read your blog often, and don't leave messages, but think about you constantly. We've been praying for a complete recovery and I know our prayers are being answered. You are a brave soul and your positive attitude towards getting better is your greatest asset. What an inspiration you are!
God Bless Kurt and we all wish you a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year

Much love -

Peta and family

Unknown said...

WOW!! Hoe we can meet that Swedish dude some time! Have to buy him about 300 beers. Have a great day, I will give you a call. Scott did good on the hunt, a natural born killer!

Take it easy my friend.


Anonymous said...

Wow what an amazing person you both are. See anything is possible, you don't need to know someones name, age, color of their skin do something wonderful for your fellow human. Keep up the good fight.

Lisa Thurman-Martinez

Mike Estey said...

The marrow from SVENSKA hmmm sounds like a really cool drink.. SVENSKA MARROW = REMISSION! I'm sooo stoked to hear about this latest & greatest news Kurt! sorry for no notes lately, been reading all the posts and sending you prayers on a regular basis bro!! Keep up the excellent attitude and hope to see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,

I have to agree with Dwana and Ian. I don't think it's a coincidence that the donor wrote the note to you on your birthday.. he's giving you a chance at a re-birth of sorts. I think that's awesome that he wants to hear from you. It could be the start of a new, lifelong friendship. I'm sorry to read you had such a rough night. Continue to stay strong and positive. Happy holidays. I will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

As always it's inspirational to read your blog. You should give the blog info to your donor(if allowed). I am sure he would love to see that his gift was put to use on such a wonderful person as yourself!!!!!! HOPE YOU AND EVEY HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS......we look forward to seeing you both pat and karan

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thats all i can say. I can't imagine what you must have gone through when reading that. Pretty powerful stuff man. Those Swedes are good people. If you need me to give you some swedish words to write let me know. I lived there for 3 years. Unfortunatly most of the words i know would probably get your faces slapped at a bar!

Hejda bror (later bro)

tom r

Anonymous said...

Kurt- I am one of those who read this, and don't post, well until now that is. I have kept you and Evey in my prayers since the beginning. Take care- Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Your friend- Ann Keane

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt

We have missed you posting and we start to worry about you. Hope everything is ok. We want to wish you the very best in 2009 and we pray that you have a very healthy year.

Mr & Mrs O

What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.