Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday, August14th, 2008

Hi everyone, I hope all is well. First off, I'd like to thank each and every one of you who wrote a message on the blog since my last post. As you could imagine, this third round of chemo has really taken a heavy toll on me given it's strength and potency, so it was great to plug in and ready your messages. Again, I can't tell you how much that does for me to see those messages.

So yes, this round of treatment has been tough on me. It has been my first real test which makes sense given the fact that the first two rounds were pretty ineffective. I have zero energy, my appetite is non-existent and my stomach is one big knot. That's the bad news. The good news is that as quickly as I started this round of chemo, it has already ended. It has already come and gone as will the side effects and discomfort that came along with it. Where that leaves me now is in another few weeks of recovery while waiting for my blood counts to climb back up.

Again, I want to thank you all for your support whether it comes though cards, donations, messages, whatever...they all get heard and they all go as far, if not further than you intended. This is a tough spot but all is well and I will come out through the other side of this in no time. How could I not considering everything going on in the world of sports. Angels are ruling everyone and the Cowboys OWNED the Chargers on the one and only drive they had their starters in. Going to be a good season.

Take care everyone and thanks again for the support! Will check back with you soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurtl,

good to hear that you finished round 3. I hope all those side effects will disappear soon and that we do not have to wait too long for your blood counts rising up.

When talking about sports, FC Bayern starts the Bundesliga season today. Hope you can also watch it there...
Let´s see, how Klinsmann does.

Take care my friend,

Anonymous said...

Alright - that was quick - time flies, eh :)....or not - but done - that is awesome and let's hope those little cancer mothers are taking it a hundred times harder!!!
Here's to recovery and those little white cells getting back in action!! Gotta love the fact that you could come out of all this with a new career as a sports commentator/writer!!! How bout that Michael Phelps and those little pixie gymnasts - unbelievable!!

Hang tough my Friend - love from all - Liz

Anonymous said...

"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. "
Quote by Vince Lombardi

It's going to be a SWEET VICTORY !!!!!!

Love and prayers,
Karan and Pat.

Anonymous said...'s behind you. Every day will be a bit better - keep popping the popsicles, drinking the milk shakes and ANYTHING you can get down.

Aunt Cherrie

Unknown said...

Hey Kurt,

Good work getting through this one. I look forward to getting down there for a visit. Stay tough and keep fighting we are all thinking about you!


Anonymous said...

Kurt! Great to hear this chemo is completed. And I'm glad that you found some bright spots of that Cowboy game. Too bad they don't play the Raiders, cause that would for sure bright up your day. May even give you a good laugh. Freakin raiders! Keep up the good fight my brotha.


Michelle Sablan said...

Hello Kurt,

I have been following your blog since Lindsday shared the news of your illness. I think about you often and keep you in my thoughts and prayers. What an amazing support system you have. You have incredible strength and you are an inspiration.

Take Care,

Michelle Sablan

Anonymous said...

All of us girls will pop by and see you tomorrow!!! We all share those knots in your stomach even thinking about you enduring round 3. I hope all of the yucky stuff passes and those new happy cells start bouncing around again...go reds and whites!!! Angel colors? -tash

Lorie said...

Hi Kurt,

Not sure if you remember me but I worked at Ingram for about 5 years and the last time I saw you was on a boat at the Newport Boat Parade a few Christmases ago. I have kept up on your condition since I first heard the news of your diagnosis. I've also held you up in my prayers and have asked my Christian buddies to do the same. I'm hoping the results of this prayer and this last round of your chemo has done the job. You are a definite role model in how to stay positive and face adversity. I don't know if I would have your strength if I were put in your place. The amount of love and support you have from family and friends is very touching!

I will continue to pray for you, Evey, your family and the friends you have who are there for you.

Keep up the fight!

Lorie Geckle

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,
I am keeping tabs on you and my thoughts and prayers have been going out to you and your family once I found out about your condition. Good luck with your recovery and I will keep checking in on you.

Mike Stetter

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

I'm a friend of your Mom's, and have been keeping you in my prayers ever since your battle started. Thank God that you are young and strong and you ARE going to beat this. Battles often times make us stronger and our faith greater for ourselves and our families, too. You and the Lord will do this together!

Jan Garrison

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

We kept our promise and made Van's stay here in Manila a good one. I hope he enjoyed as much as we did. We made him eat the stuff you listed and more, and everytime he complains we tell him "all in the name of Kurt" and he'd relent.

I’ll let him tell you all that he did and all that he ate.

We sent you something that we really want you to be able to drink and enjoy the way you do whenever you’re here in Manila, soon we pray.

We’re looking forward to your next visit in Manila with your friend Van the Man.

Stay tough! You’re in our prayers. God bless always!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt:
Round 3 finished, great!! I hope the discomfort passes and the blood counts get up.
Talked with Van last night when he got into LAX. He sounded exhausted after a major delay in getting out of Manila. I know he'd planned on visiting you yesterday, but, unfortunately, couldn't make it. He's in Las Vegas tonight (don't know how you young guys manage it all). I'll talk with him and we'll share our thoughts and best wishes for you.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick "hello" from Ron and I!
We are glad your spirits are back up and of course that you are feeling better!
Smiles from us all,

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,
Lots of good thoughts and prayers are sent your way for a speedy recovery.
Love, The Wood Family,
Joe & Michelle

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt

Just to let you know we're thinking of you and so glad round three is over. We pray that your white count starts moving up and off the charts. You are such a roll model for us all. Your courage and strength is amazing. We continue to pray that your transplant is right around the corner.

Mr. & Mrs. O

Mr. & Mrs. O

Anonymous said...

HI Kurt
Glad to hear your doing ok under the circumstances. Hope you get better soon and get this over with. We're thinking of you always,
John N.

Anonymous said...

Surfer Dude
Also great to hear that you have finished your round of HIGH TEST Cocktail and that it wipes out the balance of the bad cancer cells

Just a bump in the road my friend

Keep the faith you nobody that I know is stronger in body and mind then U You are firmly on the road to recovery that I am sure of ......just a few curves and hills along the way


Jeff from the frozen north

Sonia G said...

Hola Kurt,

Glad that round 3 is over with. I hope you are feeling better and that your appetite is back. Floyd is doing very well. He has been going to Miles Square Park every morning early, running for about five miles with Carly and Miguel. Tonight they went back again in the evening. He doesn't seem to ever get tired. We are taking good care of him. He even gets a massage once in a while. He is doing better as far as not trying to attack the runners that get to close, but he still hates the mailman. Take care, my friend. GO ANGELS AND GO COWBOYS!

Love, Sonia

Marisa Smith said...

Dear Kurtl-
Glad to hear round three is over and done with . . . stay strong and stay positive. You've got to believe that chemo cocktail is workin' hard and kickin' cancer ass. Glad to hear Evey is taking you outside for some sun, perhaps that is the strongest medicine of all. Josh and I are thinking of you often and hope to make it out to Cali soon to see you.
Liebe, deine Vetter,
Razel & Josh

Unknown said...

Happy Monday Kurt..

Hope you're feeling better my friend. Not much going on up here in the OC. Took it pretty easy this weekend so in the office bright and early. Saw Eric and Lisa Firday, the baby is so cute thay are doing great-- Other than the Nebraska tat on her shoulder. Not my thing but hey...

I will talk to soon brother.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,
Hang in there. Your positive attitude along the way continues to impress, and has a big influence on your recovery. I hope you have a good week and get that appetite back. Speaking of appetite, I will be seeing Van in Buffalo this week for the east coast golf tournament. What's the over / under on chicken wings for Van?
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hi KT,
I'm back. Did you miss me? :)
Glad that round is done and over with... It must have done something to that little brain of yours, all these delusional comments about the Chargers and Dallas game. Any way, I see you guys also lost to Denver. Hmmm that sucks.
Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

Ann R said...

Hi Kurt - just got the news about your situation. As soon as I heard I got our prayer team at church working on it. God can kill those bad cancer cells and can certainly multiply the good ones. He knows all and He is watching over you. You have a team of people praying for you. Keep up your great "can do" attitude, that will make a huge difference.

Ann R

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

Just wanted to send a "thinking of you", and let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Please get well soon, as I'd like another round at the Niagara Falls, NY casino buffet! :o)

-Sabrina K. IngramMicro BF

Anonymous said...

Dear Kurt, just to let you know we're thinking of you. Just read your blog. And relieved to hear your 3rd round is over. Now to get better, and get YOUR BLOOD COUNT UP. We just got back yesterday from another short trip, and we're planning to come out to see you this week. I love you and think of you everyday.
Love, Tante Alice & Sterling.

What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.