Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday, August 10th, 2008

Hi everyone, and let me apologize for such a long lag between the last post and this one. A lot has been going on and I have a lot to report on so sorry for the long one this time. So the last time I left you I think it was the day before they were going to perform the always barbaric bone marrow biopsy, which did not disappoint again this time. I'll spare you the details.

Hopes were high on round 2, results came and everything came crashing down. The news was pretty harsh saying that 50% of the cells left in the marrow were still cancer cells. This was quite a blow. What it basically means is that the chemo treatments I have been going through for the past 6 weeks are just not strong enough for the cancer I am fighting. This is a much more aggressive and progressive form of cancer the doctors anticipated, so I have been under gunned this whole time. As you could imagine, when I got the news on Friday night I was pretty devastated, especially with the visions of grandeur that I may have been able to get out of here for a week or so and get my head right. Options completely changed at that point which really only left 1.

Option 1 was to wait for my white cells to come up which could take a couple of weeks, get out of here for a week and come back for round 3 of chemo which could take 3-4 weeks in its entirety,
Option 2 was to get started on round 3 of chemo right away and not waste any time. I absolutely took option 2. I will have plenty of time to get home when all this is done. Wasting three weeks didn't seem like a viable possibility, so as I type this message, I am currently undergoing round 3 of chemotherapy treatment. This treatment is called "FLAG-IDA" chemo which lasts 5 days using three different kinds of chemo medicines and a daily shot in the stomach.

This round of chemo is a whole new ball game. It is 20 times more potent than the first two rounds so it should hopefully wreck havoc on the cancer cells left over. In addition, it requires that I get nightly shots in my stomach which accelerates bone marrow activity. The idea there is to stimulate and grow the cancer cells so they come out of all corners of the marrow, then send in the gnarly "20 times more powerful" chemo to clean everything out and kill it once and for all. Even with all that said, there is a possibility that with this type of aggressive cancer, it still may not push me into remission. More options to come at that point, but chances are good this will do the trick.

I can tell you that the most frustrating part of all of this is being engaged in a fight that you have absolutely no control over. I have the type of personality that I always need to be in control of things, especially if the situation is threatening me in any way, much like this. In this situation, I have to sit back and trust that the medication inside of me is doing its job, fighting the cancer. What I cannot do is lose faith in that, but it's hard not to after two rounds of chemo have come back negative. This is my battle. Continuing to trust the unknown and uncontrollable, sitting back and hoping the chemo is working, when the past two times haven’t. This third round seems to be a better fit for the kind of cancer I have so I need to do my absolute best to KNOW it is going to work.

The good news of this whole ordeal is that my girlfriend Evey took it upon herself to have a pow wow with the doctors and told them that that I need to be able to get out of here for a limited time at some point, risk or not. Given that I have been locked up for close to 7 weeks, they seemed good with it, and today, after being forced to stay in for close to two months, I spent 2 hours outside in the fresh air and sun soaking it up. It was like magic and I can't begin to tell you how badly it was needed.

So as you can see we have had a lot going on over the past 4 days or so. A lot of disappointment, let downs and readjusting of expectations, but also hardening of spirits and understanding that this is going to be a longer, harder road than we originally thought, but one that we know we will get through and one that we know we will look back on one day as a bump in the road.

Thanks for reading everyone and we'll keep you updated as things progress. Take care and be well.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurti,

wir waren dieses Wochenende auf dem Gaeubodenfest und haben auf dich geprostet und an dich gedacht. Es waere super, wenn wir 2009 wieder zusammengehen koennten! Der Glaube versetzt Berge, bleib am Ball und kaempfe. Gib alles und reiss den verdammten cancer cells den Arsch auf. Wir sind in Gedanken bei dir, immer!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,
i just can go along with what Andy wrote.
Keep on going, i know that you´ll be the winner of this fight...
Our thoughts are with you every single day...

- Daniel

Anonymous said...

Hi Evey and Kurt,
Evey I hope you remember me, I live with your cousin John. Anyway Kurt I have not met you,but I check your blog every day, and what a breath or fresh air you are. Your courage and positive attitude are an inspiration to all. So hearing about the results may be a back step, but you have the powers of "FAITH", Love, Courage, and the strength to endure, so outside of your inner circle we are believing in you. Give my best to Evey.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurtl,

we will be with you the next 4,9 days and nights ...
Always look ahead and focus on the end of this week.
To give you some motivation to endure the next days ... we mailed you a little box last tuesday which is supposed to arrive at your hospital by the end of this week latest beginning of next week.
Please follow the instructions to open the presents (especially the pink one :))
So hopefully the little things will support you in recovering quickly from your 3rd treatment.
I am sending you and Evey a big hug -Take Care. Birgit

Anonymous said...

Hey you - sorry to hear about the not so great news.......really glad you were able to get outside - I know that did wonders for you mentally....

I have a great book called The Edge, that i refer to ever now and again to find thoughts of inspiration and i found this one for you today:

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
- John Wooden

Hang in there buddy - hope to see you soon - all of our positive thoughts heading your way daily!!!

Liz, Billy, Sean and Ryan

Anonymous said...

Can you smell that? Oh that's the sweet smell of victory my friend!! Hope you got those pictures from that wonderful Chargers game this weekend. Sorry about your Cowboys but GO CHARGERS!!!

Any who... don't sweat the small stuff. You are in the best place possible under the best care possible. You just get a little extra time at Club Thallmayer. Enjoy the TLC, you've got an entire hospital staff at the click of a button. "I'll have some salmon with broccoli, and bring my special ice thank you very much." You don't get that kind of service from Floyd.

Find your happy place.

And one more thing....

San Diego Super Chargers,
San Diego Chargers!
San Diego Super Chargers,
San Diego Chargers!

We're coming your way,
We're gonna dazzle you with our super play.
The time has come,
You know we're shooting for number one.
With thunderbolts and lightning
We'll light up the sky,
We'll give it all we've got, and more
With the Super Charger try!

San Diego Super Chargers,
San Diego Chargers!
San Diego Super Chargers,
San Diego Chargers!

We've got a plan,
We're gonna do it for our super fans.
All we seek,
Is the goal line to victory.
We'll ignite you, excite you
With high voltage play.
We won't let up a minute,
We're going all the way - all the way!

San Diego Super Chargers,
San Diego Chargers!
San Diego Super Chargers,
San Diego Chargers!

We're coming your way
With the Super Chargers' play.
We're coming at you.
Now we're coming through!

San Diego Super Chargers,
San Diego Chargers!
San Diego Super Chargers,
San Diego Chargers!

hugs & kisses
love you mean it
muah :-x

The Colonel

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt!

Sorry to hear about the recent news, but as you said its the fight isn't close to being over. You do have control over your outlook. Many people (even researches)beleive that the power of positive thinking can do amazing things. Things you already know, but sometimes its good to keep hearing them. OK, enough lecturing. Glad to hear you finally got some sun! Take care buddy and use your freakishly HUGE support base of friends/family to keep up your positive thoughts.
-tom r

Unknown said...

Kurt Buddy -

You actually have more control over this than you think- don't be fooled just because you can't touch it with your hands.

How about the SWEEP of the Yankees? I have been silently torturing Mike W. by saying "very little" to him but smiling just the same.


Friday was a shoot out with the angels out-gunning the yanks.. and though Saturday's score provided a greater delta, it was a much closer game until the straw broke the yanks bat. Once the flood gates were open/ it was all over.

Sunday was a good "grinding" win- not easy at all, just all about doing every small thing possible to give them the opportunity for the win (metaphor?).

I'm so glad I badgered Mike into a Yanks Vs Halo lunch bet. He didn't really even say yes/ I said yes for him and he just nodded as if he knew his fate was already sealed.

The last time the Halo's won the W series they were the complete and utter underdog- (no expectations), I wonder how they will perform when they are all-but-expected to win?

We shall see.

Kurt, you've got a great advocate in Evey and obviously a huge support base in your family and friends.. hang on to that karma.


christine426 said...

Hi Kurt & Evey,

Just read the blog, and I have to tell you that you show an amazing amount of faith and determination in the midst of such adversity. Keep the faith and positive outlook, and we know you're going to pull through.

You two are in our thoughts and prayers.

Chris & Christine

Unknown said...

The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it.

The next day the kids came back and one by one began to tell their stories.

'Tony, do you have a story to share?'

'Yes ma'am. My daddy told a story about my Aunt Karen.

She was a pilot in Desert Storm and her plane got hit.

She had to bail out over enemy territory and all she had was a flask of whiskey, a pistol and a survival knife.

She drank the whiskey on the way down so it wouldn't break and then her parachute landed right in the middle of twenty enemy troops. She shot fifteen of them with the gun until she ran out of bullets, killed four more with the knife, till the blade broke and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands.'

'Good Heavens', said the horrified teacher.

'What kind of moral did your daddy tell you from this horrible story?'

'Stay the hell away from Aunt Karen when she's drinking!'

Anonymous said...

Sending Love and positive thoughts your way...


Anonymous said...

We’re all thinking about you Kurt during round 3. It is not what we hoped for in the short term, but in our well meaning short sightedness we forget this is not just the daily and weekly battle, but the one big fight that you will be victorious over.

We all have so much hope and faith that you will be healthy and home soon, because we all want it now for YOU and us too. Miss you lots. -tash

Unknown said...

Hi Kurt,

I know you can do it my man.. If I was fighting for something I would want you on my side buddy. Hang in there and know people across the world are pulling for you. It will make things on the other side so much sweeter.

Take it easy my friend, I will get down there soon and say hello in person.


Anonymous said...

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."
~ Quote Thomas Jefferson"

Glad you got to get outside. Evey was right on getting that approved!!!! That's the knot.........hang on, this will all turn around very soon!!!!

We love ya,
Karan & Pat

Anonymous said...


Hey there brother. A wise friend of mine once said " well keep on trucking", Frank the Tank. he gonna do one!!

I knew something was up from your last text, but I know you out of all of us have the strength to whoop its ass! if it takes shots in the tummy or whatever, we are here to support you through it all!

I am in Manila now, and with this group of people, I feel as if you are right here with us. Jamie F says hello, and sends his good wishes as well.

I will be home on Thursday and if your schedule is clear, you are my first stop on the way home! I am glad you were able to get outside, great job Evey, because we can send you all the sunshine we want, but when you get out there yourself it is there for you to soak in first hand!

See you soon brother!


Anonymous said...

Kurt we love you and are praying for healing and mercy. We hope to see you this weekend. Love the Hooks Family

Lisa Aggazzotti said...

Hi Kurt!!! It was good seeing you last night! Will see you again soon, and with some of those wafer protein bars in hand!!!! :) Love, Lisa

Toni said...

Hi Kurt,

I'm so incredibly inspired by your strength! Keep up the fight! Mike and I will be running Sunday, San Diego Half Marathon for you! Hope to celebrate conquering cancer very soon!!!

Toni & Mike

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt:
I talked with Van this past weekend just as he was heading out for dinner with Staci and then on to LAX for Taipei and Manila.
As always, we spent a good part of our conversation talking about you.
I was disappointed to read your latest posting, but fight the good fight in Round 3 and Huge Best Wishes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt,

Sorry to hear about the set backs but I am glad to know that you are digging in and getting ready to keep fighting back.

Kudos to Evey for managing to get you some free time. I had images of Andy Dusfrene from the Shawshank Redemption.

Thanks for keeping us all updated. I am pulling for you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt

Like everyone else we were heart sickened with the disappointing news. You must keep up that positive attitude and have faith that the doctors have the right treatment in round 3.

How blessed you are to have such a wonderful person in your life as Evey. She sounds like a take charge kinda gal. She made those doctor's listen and you had that special time. Also, you have so many wonderful friends pulling for you and supporting you all the way.

You're in our thoughts and prayers everyday.

Mr. & Mrs. O

Jeff said...

Yo Kurt,

Great conversation on Saturday my man. Looking forward to picking up where we left off....

In the meantime, some words of inspiration from a great man in a piece he titled "Contact"

"I woke up one morning in November
And I realized I love you
It's not your headlights in front
Your tailpipe, or the skylight above you
It's the way you cling to the road
When the wind tries to shove you
I'd never go riding away
And come back home without you"

Love you Brother,


Anonymous said...


I've written this for you in a previous blog and want to write it again:

"I Love you, Son, and I hold you and your happiness within my heart each and every day.
I am so proud of you and so thankful for the years that have given me so much to be thankful for.
If I were given a chance to be anything I wanted to become, there's nothing I'd rather be ... than your parent.
And there is no one I would rather have ... as my Son."

I love you so much!

Mom xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Oh Kurt, Stay positive! We are praying for you every day.

Love you,

Hans and Josie

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

Just a small joke to brighten your day.


A very tired nurse walks into a bank, totally exhausted after an 18-hour shift.

Preparing to write a check, she pulls a rectal thermometer out of her purse, and tries to write with it.

When she realizes her mistake, she looks at the flabbergasted teller, and without missing a beat, she says:

'Well, that's great....that's just great.... some asshole's got my pen!'

Anonymous said...

Keep your head up and keep fighting Kurt!

You're in our thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Kurt, Your courage and optimism and faith are amazing, and will see you through this. Keep that strength going as you got knocked down by this round........and you will get back up. No one, including the doctors, can predict your body and its reaction. Only you can keep it as strong, physically and mentally, as you can. God Bless Evey for opening her mouth!

My love and prayers, Aunt Cherrie

Mike Estey said...

hey Bro.. Mohammad Ali did some of his best punching in round three!!! DO NOT GIVE UP under any circumstances.. you are WAY STRONGER than those last remaining cells that are soon to be dosed from your body!!! You have an amazing woman by your side, grab hold of her hand and hold tight through the shit and KNOW that you will make it through this!!!

stay strong pal,


Mother Bowman said...

Kurt -
What seperates you from others is that mental attititude that YOU CAN CONTROL!!! STAY WITH IT! I'm sending you a REALLY, REALLY BIG virtual hug!

Get Better!!
Mother Bowman

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt-

My dad attended a Cowboys practice last week in Oxnard - Thought you might enjoy the pictures :

The back story - My dad worked at Rockwell for 35 years & hired Pete Walsh straight out of college. Pete is now CIO for the Cowboys and is in charge of all the electronics for the new stadium they are building.

Anonymous said...

End of link that got cut off :


Anonymous said...

Kurt, you're the toughest person I know!!! You are also my favorite. Don't tell anyone I said that, actually I don't care KURT IS MY FAVORITE! Scott is cool though.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt!

Although it is easier said than done- you've got this. Mike and I have come so close to you and Evey since we moved here and I just can't thank you enough. You are an awesome friend and I know it's only a matter of time before this is in your past. Mike and I want to come visit soon- when you feel up to it. Glad you got a boost of sunshine- the California sun can do amazing things. We are thinking of you!



Anonymous said...

Hello Kurt,
Greetings to you again from all of us here in South Africa. We got the latest news from your mom and she was quite tearful but her tears were tears of pride, and for the strength and bravery you have shown through this difficult time. Please know that we are praying for you both on a daily basis and we talk about you often. We talk about how much we are looking forward to one day meeting you and hope it will be in the not too distant future. We are waiting for the day that we get the news that all is well, so keep on fighting and never give up.
Please give your mom a big kiss and hug from us over here. She is an awesome woman and we all love her and miss her.

Michael and Lucy

Anonymous said...

Hello Kurt,
Greetings to you again from all of us here in South Africa. We got the latest news from your mom and she was quite tearful but her tears were tears of pride, and for the strength and bravery you have shown through this difficult time. Please know that we are praying for you both on a daily basis and we talk about you often. We talk about how much we are looking forward to one day meeting you and hope it will be in the not too distant future. We are waiting for the day that we get the news that all is well, so keep on fighting and never give up.
Please give your mom a big kiss and hug from us over here. She is an awesome woman and we all love her and miss her.

Michael and Lucy

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

Usually I don't write, because I get to see you and Evey in person, but this week I am in lovely B-Lo and everyone here is asking about you & wishing you much strength and good health SOON!!! I want you to know that I am thinking about you both and sending possitive thoughts and love from the other side of the country. Good girl Evey, keep pushing to get him in the sunlight (I know how happy the sun makes me)it can do wonders! Kevin and I will be down this weekend or early next week. Love you both...xoxo


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

Just a note to say hello. I'm so glad you were able to spend some time outside (way to go Evey!). Hang in there. Sending lots and lots of positive, sunshiny thoughts your way.

Holly K.

Lisa Aggazzotti said...

Hi Kurt!!! Just thinking of you and wanted to send some sunshine your way :)
Love, Lisa

Just the Sous Chef said...

Kurt - we are so sorry you got disappointing news. Please keep up your courage and strength! We are behind you and praying for you and your health!

Tracy, Rafer, Luther and Estelle

Anonymous said...

Great seeing you!!AHHHHSUNSHINE !!Stoked for you bro!!!Herbie and I are praying hard..

Herbie and I want to join Team Chrome Dome ..I checked my scalp I have a bunch of fish hook scars(don't ask) not sure if I like the divot look..

Aloha to you and Evey,

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt-
I wish I had some great words, but all I can think is this sucks! This is not the news you wanted to hear, but once again you have faced it with strength and courage and a positive attitude. You are amazing. It is time for things to turn around...we will pray the next news is good news!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Mary sunshine
How did you wake so soon?
You scared away the little stars
and shined away the moon.

Anonymous said...

I read this quote today and thought of your last post. It is a quote from Mario Andretti...he said "If everything seems under control you are not going fast enough" Stay strong!
Jim & Jules

Anonymous said...


I know the news is heavy my friend and not what you wanted to hear. But you can carry this and make it through. This process will end this strain once and for all. You have so much incredible love around you right now, nothing can break that bond. I read this notes from all your family and friends and it lifts me up and I'm not down!! Breathe deep and release everything that is not for your highest and best good right now. Envision, your healing, and remember that day in the sun, Because you will have many more of those. Just picture that beautiful healing light in your mind every chance you get. Feel it flowing through you.

As usual I am with you always as are all of the wonderful people who are supporting you!!!

Much love to you and Evey!!

Peace and healing vibes..


What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.