Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

So I had a very eventful Friday night tonight. Who says I can't have some fun while I'm in here. Not only did I get to take a walk down the CT Scan (catscan) lab, but I got to do it unattached to my IV machine...and for those of you who have been down here to visit, you know how huge that is. Imagine being attached to 3 IV machines with no relief except for a few seconds to change a shirt for...2 straight months. Now you know how great of a walk that was. It was a great Friday night in the hospital.

Now to the stuff that sucks. I have been battling a fever for the past two nights that has just taken me down. The body temp isn't what bothers me, it's the medication they give me to fight it. These meds pretty much knock me out, so for the last 2 days I have been spending a lot of time in bed and awake or a lot of time in bed and asleep. That existance just sucks but my temp got as high as 104.5 so it isn't something you can just shrug off. I am hopefully at the tail end of the fever but these things come and go pretty quickly so you never know. I just had a reading done a few seconds ago which put at 101.2. Fingers are crossed it keeps going down, these ice packs are starting to get uncomfortable.

So as far as "The Plan" goes (seems like that's what we'll be calling it based on the blog postings), nothing has changed and we are on track. I know they are still trying to get the scheduling side of it nailed down with the donor, but the nuts and bolts remain the same.

Halos seem to be slipping a bit but nothing to worry about, the offense will turn on again. Let's just hope it doesn't turn off again. Cowboys looked really good tonight. First team offense looks solid, defense looks good but could be better and special teams needs some serious help. I'm just happy football is right around the corner. I'm excited about the other football as well. Bayern Munich is back with Klinsmann at the helm so I am hoping they repeat their championship ways and go back to back in the Bundesliga.

That's it guys. Been a rough couple of days but nothing to keep me from smiling once in a while. Take care and be well everyone.


Mother Bowman said...

Your TNT running team completed a 16 run this AM - so enjoy the hospital un-tethered stroll, and we'll continue to log the running miles on your behalf!

And - DANG those Angels; we'ver already purchased our post-season seats....keeping positive!!
Thinking of you....
Mother B

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt:
Great to hear you had a good walk last night and were able to lose the IV's for a while.
Van's been traveling this past week, but he did mention in an e-mail that he was able to get in to see you earlier in the week.
Hope the temp's down to normal and take good care.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Kurt,

Angels had a great game last night, hope you got to see it.

This has been a really good summer for movies, Iron Man, The Dark Knight ... and now 2 more classics: Tropic Thunder & Pineapple Express ..... you will be able to enjoy them on DVD soon.

Have a good Sunday. Hopefully, it will be another great Angels game today.

Carole L.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Kurtel.

We have been wondering how you have been doing.

I think you may have a future in writing a sports column.

We just wanted to say hi, and that we've been thinking of you.

Jill and Gary

Anonymous said...

Dude. Saw Megan Carter at a wedding tonight and she told us what was going on. Had no idea.

Great to see the great attitude in your posts, of course i don't expect anything else from Kurtle.
I emailed Andrew and we'd like to come by and see you. we'll figure out when.
Blessings to you Kurt and we're praying for you. Jenny too.

Unknown said...

Hi Kurt....

Bummer about the fever, but it sounds like you're turning the corner as usuall! As I told you I picked up Tony Romo in my FFootball league in your honor. I am torn by this pick ut expect good tings from the man and if not I 100% blame you. :) Kidding. Well heading on a fishing trip tomorrow with some of the crew shold be a good time. I will see how much fun I can make of Scott!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt, I found about your condition (sometimes news travels slow) and have been following your blog. Your attitude is inspiring and I will keep you in my prayers. Take care and Go Angels (at least they are back on a winning track).

Anonymous said...

Hi KT!
Wish my Chargers luck... We are taking on Seattle tonight. Should be a good game. They'll have it on ESPN at 5 tonight if you aren't doing anything. My nephew and I will be next to the big scoreboard if you are watching!

The training is in full swing as you probably could have guessed from Mom's post... That was 16, as in 1-6, as in sixteen miles that we logged on Saturday (Gabby and Page too). We think about you every time we are running. Mostly when we want to fall over and pass out from exhaustion, and pain, and fatigue, and despair, and pain, and pain, and aches, and pain... You get the idea. But we press onward, for what seems like hours, oh wait, yeah it was for hours. Man alive it hurts. But we'll make it. Page, Gabby, and Mom put on one heck of a party and were very thankful to all that showed up and bid on the items in the silent auction and also extremely thankful for those that donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. They achieved there goal and raised over $4k I believe, maybe over $5k I'll have to double check.

Well I hope your fever continues to go down. Don't you get fevers when your body is fighting off something internally? Maybe that's an urban legend, but at least you know that something is going on inside there! Keep moving forward with "The Plan" and keep us posted.
Hugs & Kisses,
Love You Mean It,

Anonymous said...

Cousing Kurt.
This is crazy. Like Pat, I'm proud of you for the way you're dealing with this. I can't imagine what it's like. I'm sure you'd describe life in a completely new light these days. Not a desperate one either - but one that makes you realize your heart is beating. Fighting. And that's a good thing.
It's clear you've got unbelievable support down there. Even still, we'd like to figure out a way to see you.
My family's prayers are yours bro.
I'm at case.

Anonymous said...

Hola amigo:
Glad to hear that the fever is gone and that you are starting to feel better. Floyd is doing well and he had a bath on Saturday. I think he is starting to like the water. Let me know if there is anything we can do for you. I hope to see you soon. Take care. Love. Sonia

Unknown said...

Hello Kurtiosaurus Rex:

I'm feeling sassy today and so today, we play a game:

I list some classic movie quotes (or as close as I can recall) and you try to guess the movie. I will post the movies they came from the next day.

At this point you should be an expert- my hope is that some will make you remember and laugh and others will make you go "hmmm?"


And so we begin:

Movie 1
- Work work work work.. hello boys!
- "They said you was hung?" "and they was right"

Movie 2
- This is my exact inner structure, done in a tee shirt. Exactly medically accurate. See?
- Come on, don't talk back, mime is money, come on, move it.

Movie 3
- watch your cigarettes around this guy Jack
– "I also suffer from acrophobia and claustrophobia." "I’ll tell you what. If you don’t cooperate, you’re gonna suffer from fistaphobia."

Movie 4
- "I want to know everything that's happened up until now" "well, first the earth cooled, and then the dinosaurs came, but they were all too big and fat- then the Arabs came and they all drove Mercedes Benzes"

Movie 5
- what in the wide wide world of sports is going here?
- Eggs, I can stand eggs!
- sionara suckers!

Alright - so the gauntlet has been thrown!

Say hi to Evey, glad the "A-Team" plan is still in tact and keep on keepin' on.


Anonymous said...

Morning Kurtis!
We won! Go Chargers... That wasn't my most favorite game to watch and although it is still preseason I'll take the "W".
Sproles looked amazing. Defense needs to step it up a little bit but overall I think all those other teams out there better watch out. Its my year darn it!

Hope you are having a good week!

Anonymous said...

Summer is almost over and I have not made as many poor decisions to warrant it being my summer of poor decisions.
Any sweet fantasy picks you can suggest?
Looking to pick you off the IR soon!

Unknown said...

Ohayou MasaKurti Takasakison:

Instead of just naming the movies, I thought I'd just use some more obvious quotes.. aha! to prolong the game! (or not)

The game goes on!

Movie 1
- Go do that voodoo that you do so well!
- Come here sherwiff, why don't you loosen your bullets?
- Somebody's got to go back and get a sh*t load of dimes!

Movie 2
- But this one goes to eleven

Movie 3
- Can I ask you something? These sunglasses, they're really nice: are they government-issued, or all you guys go to the same store to get them?
- Is this moron number one? Put moron number two on the phone.

Movie 4
- looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue

Movie 5
- My name's Wild Bill Kelso, and don't you forget it!
- You know, this year wasn't *the* big year of the war, '41. I think the really big year is going to be 1942.

So I think the Halos are resting their starters both mentally and physically which explains some of these recent losses. You wait till they start ramping up in Sept!

Atashita (see you later in Japanese) for now and keep those ice packs rolling as no fevers are allowed!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt:

Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you...I just heard a few weeks ago and you have been on my mind ever since. I know you will kiss this goodbye...very soon! Hugs to you and my prayers are with you. I have been reading everything and you have some amazing friends pulling for you.

KT (kimberly thomson)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt!

I'm so glad you have such a terrific support system. Thanks for keeping us up to date on your progress through this blog. I look forward to reading good news from the last chemo treatment!

- Marcie

Anonymous said...

Good Wed. morning! Raegan is asking about Uncle Kurt so I thought we would log on and give you cyber hugs and kisses!!
As you read from my brothers post the party was a HUGE SUCCESS!! I will get some pictures posted ASAP.
All our Best to you both!!
K and Rae

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,
Just wanted you to know you're being thought about. Sending you caring thoughts with hope that each tomorrow is a little brighter.

Hopefully the Angels will take game 3 from the A's tonight, then the 4 game series from the Rangers before hitting the road to Detroit & Chicago. Optimism!

Holly K.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Good evening Kurtizizki Thallmayeriski:

Hopefully I've not been annoying you too much with my lengthy posts. My real hope is all is going well with you.

I'm sure you've guessed the movies but let's make it official:

Movie 1 = Blazing Saddles (of course)

Movie 2 = This is SpinalTap

Movie 3 = Midnight Run (did you get this one?)

Movie 4 = Airplane

Movie 5 = 1941 (one of my all time favorites.. did you get this one too?)

So enough kidding around from me on this post. I hope that these posts take your brain to a different place for a least a few moments.

Keep the chin up and spirits high- sending you good thoughts.



Anonymous said...

a little joke for ya.....

Floyd works hard at the plant and spends two nights each
> week bowling
> and plays golf every Saturday. His wife thinks he's
> pushing himself too
> hard, so for his birthday she takes him to a local strip
> club.
> The doorman at the club greets them and says, "Hey,
> Floyd! How ya
> doin?" His wife looks puzzled and asks if he's
> been to this club
> before. "Oh no," says Floyd. "He's in
> my bowling league."
> When they are seated, a waitress asks Floyd if he'd
> like his usual and
> brings over a Budweiser. His wife is becoming increasingly
> uncomfortable and says, "how did she know that you
> drink Budweiser?" "I
> recognize her, she's the waitress from the golf club. I
> always have a
> Bud at the end of the first nine, honey."
> A stripper then comes over to their table, throws her arms
> around Floyd
> , starts to rub herself all over him and says, "Hi
> Floyd. Want your
> usual table dance, big boy?"
> Floyd's wife, now furious, grabs her purse and storms
> out of the club.
> Floyd follows and spots her getting into a cab. Before she
> can slam the
> door, he jumps in beside her. Floyd tries desperately to
> explain how
> the stripper must have mistaken him for someone else, but
> his wife is
> having none of it.
> She is screaming at him at the top of her lungs, calling
> him every
> four-letter word in the book. The cabby turns around and
> says, "Geez
> Floyd, you picked up a real bitch this time."
> Floyd's funeral will be on Friday.


What is Kurt's diagnosis?

AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.

Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. AML is also called acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.

This blog was created to post updates on Kurt and give all of our friends and family a forum to share notes and thoughts. Please check back often for updates.